Tuesday 7 October 2014

New semester 🌹🌹

Assalamualaikum semua 😊 i am so sorry for not posting in such a long time 😓 well now i am already in week three of new autumn semester at Notts. Fiuh ~ how time flies huh ? So yeah i am actually preparing myself to sleep but rasa mcm terhutang sesuatu wlpun i don't think ramai people baca my blog but still i wanted to share something that i've promised to share 😃 ni pun post pakai mobile blogger haha. 

Since this is a new semester for i think quite a few of 96's batch so semua mesti lah ada azam kan ? Good. Now, no matter what your azam is please remember that semua mesti niat kerana Allah. Because if our intention is wrong there's a possibility that our dream or our azam will not be fulfilled 🙇 kita pun taknak kan perkata mcm tu terjadi ? So for all students, always betulkan niat each time befor you start with your classes or revision. By doing this, InsyaaAllah we will do better. Ni pun pesanan akak2 usrah that i've joined here at Notts. 

Hah walaupun sibuk study, don't forget you friends and family tau. Without them you might not be able to achieve what you already have now ☺️ Don't be to self-centered until you guys tak fikir perasaan housemates or roomates korng. Bila kita buat baik dengan orang lain InsyaaAllah orang akan doakan kebaikan untuk kita.

Okay that's all for tonight. I got class at 9 tomorrow haha so kena tidur awal.
GOODNIGHT beautifuls 💙💙