Saturday 25 April 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello people ( still who reads my posts actually ?? ) haha 

I have been away quite long huh ? been busy with tests, courseworks and some lab works. I am so glad all is done because we only have a week before our study week and then our FINAL EXAM !! How time flies huh ? Our last Organic Chemistry test was on this morning and like usual the result is already up now in moodle page ( our uni academic web or whtvr they call it ) 

and.............. Alhamdulillah I did well :D I actually beamed when I saw my result just now. This module is like very very very IMPORTANT for me to further in MPharm for my degree year ( I have mentioned this before ) So yeah I am so grateful to Allah.

Even though I have been suffering from chicken pox since this Monday, Allah still let me have the strength to present myself for the test :) Thank you Allah. Oh ya YES I HAVE CHICKEN POX.

Shocking actually because I never thought of it at first but then I remembered that I could get it because the last 2 weeks I went back home and my brother who's staying at boarding school came home because he got chicken pox. So yeah I think I get infected from him.

But in my case it is SO SAD because I am so far away from home. I can't go home because of the chemistry test today. But I am so feeling blessed because my mom came and accompany me here in my campus xoxo She's gonna come again tomorrow YEAA. My dad and little brother can't come :( but I know it's for the best anyway.

I am sharing a bit about my experience with this chicken pox thingy okay ? 

Starting on Sunday night I have a very high fever especially during the night. Then on Tuesday morning I started to see red spots that have a liquid in it so I quickly called my parents. They told me to go to the health care a.k.a clinic in my campus to take Acyclovir ( they are both pharmacist so yeah I am grateful for that) I was so dumb actually for not bringing it back here when my mom told me to because I was so ignorant and thought that I am too superior to get this disease. ughh me and my dumbness.

So I went to the clinic and the doctor prescribed me with Acyclovir. If you guys are wondering, it is an anti-virus. Basically it kills or like weakened the virus. Traditionally people in my country don't take this because they believe in letting all the spots bursting by themselves without being disturbed. Actually either way works just fine because in the end your body will produce immunisation for this disease :)

I had high fever until Wednesday I think. After seeing my mom I felt so heavenly and suddenly I get better. ( cliche huh ) My mom helped me to put on Calamine lotion all over my body. ughh the spots are CRAZY. They are everywhere. After applying it my whole body felt so relax and less itchy.

NOTE : Calamine lotion is a MUST in this situation. MARK my word people. 

As for what I ate, I don't really eat much ( felt like i don't eat at all ) because the spots are all over my mouth too so it is very painful to even munch anything so I just drink full nutrition powdered milk and some Gardenia bread. I HATE MYSELF FOR THIS.

But, now I am fine ( except the fact that it is still painful to eat ) and I am just waiting for the spots to dry up and flake off.

What I have learnt:

I don't have that super flawless skin but there are rarely any acne. I mean, I don't have acne problem skin. It's quite smooth actually despite some blemishes. So as some of you may know, this chicken pox will go all over your face so I WAS SO FREAKED OUT. I almost cried...... ughh me... I am so shocked seeing my face like that when I woke up that morning. It was like a minute ago my face was fine and then this happen. 

Then suddenly I lost my appetite. Every time I try to chew something my gums get irritated. I felt so weak-laying on my bed like I am so weak. I need food. REAL FOOD. But even if i have any food I just don't dare to eat them. It hurts so BAD.

Because these two are like the body parts that I love the most so these situations make me ponder. This life is not ours. This life is temporary. This life is not perfect. This life we are living right now is dunya. and dunya is Allah's, not ours. Allah has every right to take it back from us. Don't be so sure that you will walk just fine on His land because of your ego.

Actually I am grateful because Allah reminds me of this. I must be- because as my mom said " Some people out there are being tested by Allah tougher that you are facing right now. Be thankful " 

Yes I am thankful. 

Thank you Allah for everything :)

People, in whatever state or feelings you are now I hope you guys stay strong and always remember Allah. The thought of Him will calm our heart InsyaaAllah.