Wednesday 3 August 2016

Book Review: The Apple Tart of Hope

Before I started my review, I wanted you to know that 
I finished this book in a sitting and less than 24 hours.
That usually marks how incredible this book

First of all, the cover is gorgeous and that is always been a bonus.
Secondly, and the most important part is
this book should be made into a
I am not trying to exaggerate but seriously
it should.

Goodreads synopsis:

 Oscar Dunleavy, who used to make the world's most perfect apple tarts, is missing, presumed dead. No-one seems too surprised, except for Meg, his best friend, and his little brother Stevie. Surrounded by grief and confusion, Meg and Stevie are determined to find out what happened to Oscar, and together they learn about loyalty and friendship and the power of never giving up hope. The second sensational novel from Irish author, Sarah Moore Fitzgerald, following her debut, BACK TO BLACKBRICK, perfect for fans of Annabel Pitcher and Siobhan Dowd.

This is one of the book that made me clench my teeth 
and hold on to my tears but to no avail.
I failed.
I cried.
From the start till the end.
I know I am a cry baby but this time, the tears just run down my cheeks involuntarily. Almost like I have been too
soaked up into the story until I did not
realise what's happening to me.

Oscar is almost like everyone's imaginary friend.
He is the kind of friend you want to 
cling on too and never let go.
Oscar thinks positively of his surrounding
and he could sense when someone is in need and the 
best part is, his apple tart
is like heaven on earth.
and so, he saved a man from drowning himself-
by using his apple tart.

Meg is his best friend who also has been his neighbor
since forever.
The setting is just like in Taylor Swift MV of 
You Belong with Me.
Until now, I'm still dreaming of having
a neighborhood like that and having a cute guy 
living next door.

But Oscar is not described as the ordinary
drop dead handsome characters in other YA books.
Oscar is something else. He is not dumb. He is
full with ideas.He is very supportive. He always put others first.
and does not put people down. 

I am quite jealous of Meg for having an angle like

Things started to go wrong between them when 
Meg has to move for 6 months to New Zealand
and with the presence of new girl in town named Palma
who rents Meg's house.

Palma seems to like bossing Oscar around and feeling like she knows everything and thinks that everyone loves her.
She charms almost everyone including Oscar.
At first things are going fine, but suddenly people started to turn their back on Oscar.
Poor Oscar did not know why and he kept on thinking that he is a moron.
and so he attempted suicidal.


Without a doubt, she is the reason for this !!!!
She forged Meg's love letter to Oscar and she accused Oscar of being pervert !!!! because she thinks that she is so damn pretty that Oscar used his telescope to spy on her
WHAT THE HELLLLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Palma is a bully !
and I hate Bully !
They deserve nothing good in this world !

I still am feeling like punching the pages where there is 
Palma in there.
I am always against bullying.
You have no idea what a single phrase could do to
a fragile person
You don't know what he has been through.
Why beeing so mean ?

I have not experienced a tough bullying situation in mylife
but there was a time where I have to handle a person
like Palma.
All I could say is people like that are pathetic unloved creatures on earth.

I know I am harsh here but it's true. 
and after reading this book and see what Oscar has been through,
I am more certain that bullying needs
to be wiped off. 
It is like pests killing you silently.

All in all, give this book a try please.
It really does opens up your mind about small little things
that you might missed out in life.


Book Review: Molly and the Cat Cafe

Good day everybody ! :D
I am feeling very excited to review about this cute yet full with emotion read.

You guys, Molly and the Cat Cafe is not a children story book or bedtime story. It is almost like the most realistic view of life that you could get from a novel. There is no cliche like or fairy tale like plot. It is legit a story of a broken bonds between a mother and a daughter and a cat with its owner. 

I am a cat person, I have currently 7 cats- a Queen and 6 kittens. wooah there. The Queen is a really fertile feline cus I think she is pregnant now ( my mom is going to be ballistic about that ).
So, as a cat owner I have been going through a turmoil of emotions as I read this book. I almost gave up because I'm afraid I might get hurt or crushed by the ending of the story. I cannot afford knowing something bad happens to the cats which did not happen- THANK GOD.

This story starts with a happy setting where Molly the queen cat is adopted by Margery whom is soon to be her owner. They both are perfect for each other. Margery is quiet a senior woman when she adopt Molly so Molly stayed by her side, giving her strength to holding on to everyday. But, slowly Margery's memory seems to deteriorate until sometimes she forget to feed Molly ! What tears me up is that the fact that there is a moment where she forget her deary cat's name. I swear I cry like a bucket of tears.

Their affection towards each other is so pure- well at least that's how Melissa portrayed it in this book. At some point you will be like ' hold on this is a cat right ? ' because Molly is a unique cat. It is a cat that everyone wants and need. She feels attached to Margery. I am touched by every descriptions and lines at this plot. I just could not believe that next they both will be separated.

I HATE MARGERY'S SON ! He is not a kind man and he despise cat. ughh ! Okay so I get it that he doesn't have time to care for his own mother so he sent her to the elderly house but the fact that he didn't tell her that she cannot bring Molly together hurts me ! He even sent Molly to a stupid guy that have like 100 of dogs. WTH is that !

Molly is a home cat she is not used to survival stuff but because she has lost her beloved owner, she needs to find a new one. and because of that, she discovered that she is not just a lap cat- she is a brave queen. She have been through a lot before she could reach Debbie's cafe. 

I am amaze by the fact that cats learn from each other for some survival tips. God gives them a bright brain you know. Deep down I know they knew better than us about the world and beyond. When I furthered my reading I realized that, human should be more like cats you know- they respect other cats and always takes the advices given from the more experts ones ( at least this is what I know ).

OKAY YOU GUYS. The romance in this book is SWEET ! It's a CAT ROMANCE. and it is exactly like my cat, Bella love life. The way Molly and the tomcat shared something special but none of them cannot show it because of life duty made my heart melts. Molly gave birth to his babies, 5 of them !- so CUTE ! 

The presence of Molly in the house/cafe slowly heals the broken hearted Debbie and her daughter Sophie. and I'm not surprised by this. Cat does has healing power you know.

Towards the end of the read, there wil be more magical events and also some bad news as Debbie embarks on her journey on opening the first cat cafe in town. 

Molly is a very special cat :)


Thursday 14 July 2016

Book review: Harriet Chance

Finished this last night so here is the review. So, i'm not that good when it comes
to me rambling about a book because it will turn out bad
and in the end I just found myself talking nonsense
and being clueless at the same time.

Yup i'm a girl that likes structured stuff.
Short but concise.

I know I should paste the synopsis from Goodreads here but I am too lazy oh God.
Guys, please forgive me and try to search the
synopsis will ya ?
Thank you 

So, let us start with me telling you important bits
from this book:

Harriet is a 78 years old lady and she lives alone. Her daughter and her son visit her occasionally

But, she has a friend, old, just like her. Her best friend. (the name starts with M but I forgot duhh) 

first, have no feelings towards M. Like, neutral. But in the end.. (lets wait)

Her late husband was not a really good father or life partner to Harriet, but she still loves him anyway. and.. due to that fact, she could still speak to him (his spirit)

Honestly guys, this book got be dumbfounded ! I could never
belief this is the ending

I could never predict that Harriet has been keeping
all the secrets for years !!

So.. enjoy my review :)

Harriet went to a cruise that her husband booked for them ( ughh thats what i thought at first ).

 She is supposed to go with her bff (ughh) but then M bailed out- but she left her a letter



even though when they met, M did not know his wife is her bff-to-be  and although M loves Harriet and their friendship- I JUST CANNOT ACCEPT IT

so, life goes on and Harriet try to enjoy the cruise nevertheless and things get more exciting when her daughter made a surprise by joining her

---------------one more shocking news guys --------------------


and she has been keeping that secret for 78 years ! no one know. How can she handle it !!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????

and what make it more like i wanna cry and punch the wall is it's his own uncle. How could he ? you know when you see your niece is having a bad times with her marriage, you help her ! not become a one night stand

she has been sexually harassed by his own uncle when she was young- silently and cautiously I must say
she cannot admit that, up until now.

The story ends with a sense of closure. All people around her- her husband's spirit and her daughter
told her to let it go. Let it all go. cause what is done cannot be
So yeah, she sets herself free and breathed her last breath.