Tuesday 14 July 2015

A Memorial

Spots, we will meet again in Heaven okay boy ?

Missing him so bad

Used to be duos

This couch will never be the same without you dearie

I'm going to share one of the sad moment in my life. Didn't ask you guys to feel it with me but just be still and stay with me for a while :)

My family never had like a real cat house before. Well, my parents did take care of some queens with babies along the way but this is only because they came in to our house to seek shelter. After the babies reached certain ages, my parents will let them go. Usually at the wet market where the amount of foods are more than enough. So, we don't really have the experience on how to REALLY keep a cat or kitten from diseases or other kind of accidents. 

This year, on the month of February, a kitten ran into my parents pharmacy. The kitten has no friends or even a mother. At that moment, he is so small- about 2 months i guess. My little brother found him hiding under the counter desk so he took him. Since that wonderful day, we named him Spots (he got black patch like spots on his body) I think because he has no mother or friends to accompany him in the outside world so we made him our first official house cat. My little brother was so happy and we never could love him less.

However my mom had a thought on having a female cat to be friend with Spots. and then.. a miracle happened. About a month after my mom found Spots- at a Seafood Restaurant across our pharmacy, my mom found a wounded kitten lying helplessly. Of course, my mom took the kitten home and treat her. She is about a month old that time. Alhamdulillah she is fine and healthy since that day. My mom let her stay with us and play with Spots. We named her Bella :) At first Spots and Bella never could stay close without arguing but after two months staying together, they got really close. I mean, really really close.

We left them for 11 days for our Umrah. My father's staffs came everyday to feed them Alhamdulillah. We prayed hard to Allah so that they will be as fit as how we leave them. Our hearts leaped with excitement when we saw them waiting there for us at the door. I could cry in happiness. All went well you know :)

But then, Allah's plan is beyond our imagination. He knows the best, i know that. Well, this is the hardest part. 

The first day of  Ramadhan- 18 Jun 2015, Spots has left us to a better place. This broke our hearts so bad especially my mom's. Spots was a very special cat. I don't know how to describe it but yes, he is different than any other cats. We have great memories with him. It's hard for us. Up until now we still feel it. It's like a stab in the heart. We buried him at our yard, where he used to play around with Bella. It was even more sad seeing Bella alone searching for her long lost friend. Honestly, this could be a big love story. In the end tho, I guess she had figured out that her friend has gone to heaven :')

No matter what happen we will always remember you, dear one.

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