Wednesday 12 August 2015

My experience with cat having Hernia

Assalamualaikum, hello :)

Again, i failed on  being 100% committed in updating this blog. A big sigh.

Today I thought of sharing with you my experience dealing with my cat that just had her Hernia surgery about 2 weeks ago. She's currently 6 months old. In layman's term Hernia is a condition where the inner lining of the skin cannot reform or heal itself like the outermost layer did. Well of course there is a scientific meaning and explanation behind this but this is what I think I need to understand about Hernia. 

The symptom of hernia also varies according to the seriousness level. As for my cat, it's just an ordinary one which most of cats have it. For example, a queen could have it after giving birth. The history behind my cat's hernia started when she got a big cut at her abdominal part. Well we are glad that my parents are Pharmacist so they quickly treat the wound. My mom wiped some Iodine at the wounded part and gave her pain killer. Well we all know that most medicines are tested on animal first right ? So yeah the prescription for animals is written in the patient information leaflet- it is not written clearly FOR ANIMAL USE of course but the dosages according to weight are there tho. So, after the wound closed up we thought, well it's okay now despite the fact that there is a kind of bump at that healed wound.

During her first check up, the vet diagnosed that the bumpy thing is a Hernia condition. She explained that we could either let it be like that or treated it by means of surgery because it's not too serious but if it is not treated, we might not know what will happen especially when we are not there to look after her. The vet also said that if the Hernia is not treated, it may cause problem when she's in labor someday. So me and my mom planned to have a surgery. It's not an easy decision tho because the most important part is not the surgery process but the post-surgery treatment. So we made sure that our schedule for 2 weeks after the surgery is free. 

Now lets get to the process shall we ?

First thing first, you must not let your pet eat or drink for about 12 hours- this is like fasting for a night. The reason is because, the vet will inject your pet with some kind of sedation so that she'll be sleeping during the surgery. However, if the stomach is full, your pet will start to throw the stuffs out and the sedation will not effect on it immediately. But it's okay tho nothing serious here.This happened to Bella tho because we still give her drink. Idk I think the officer did not explain well to us. 

After the surgery which barely took us 30 minutes, your pet will still be sleeping for about 2 hours-well at least Bella slept for another 2 hours. Idk maybe could be shorter or longer than that. BUT the most IMPORTANT thing is you MUST ALWAYS BE BESIDE YOUR PET. Don't think that " ohh she is sleeping, she's fine". NO. You don't know what might happen. Check on their paws, ears, breathing motion. We kept Bella in a cosy cage full with soft cloths and make sure that no fans are on high speed for about 3 days. Cold or windy situation could make them feel more pain. Well logically, when we as humans are feeling sick, we usually kept ourselves in our blanket right ? and yet we still shivered. So, that's quite same with others mammals- I guess.

You really need to make sure you follow the medication prescribed by your vet. BUT make sure you confirm again the dosage given so that it is tally with your pet's weight or other details. I stressed on this because the vet assistant in my place gave us the wrong antibiotic dose.Praise to Allah my mom could detect it so she read the leaflet again. Please note that if pets that are like quite fragile are overdosed with antibiotic it is FATAL. 

Usually your cat will not have the appetite for the first day after surgery but Bella is not like that. She ate after she woke up but of course she looked really weak. I am so stressed out just looking her like that. So my advice is that give some delicious and fresh food to your cat. Something with strong smell. As for Bella we bought her snake head fish at the market and steamed them. In my country, this fish is really famous in healing people after their surgery. So go and give them a TRY :D Of course it is quite expensive than canned food but hey ? it's for our family right ?

If the stitches are somewhere that your cat could lick please ensure that you bought Elizabethan Collar/E-Collar. Licking will make the stitches take a long time too heal. Trust me, this happened to Bella. The interesting part is, you could actually make your own E-Collar !! How wonderful is that ?? No money wasted and it will work just the same. Alhamdulillah my mom had this idea. Well actually the pet store at our place had no stock so yeah we gotta find the alternatives right ? Oh ya we made it using manilla card paper or we could say it is like a harder type of paper but not too hard okay ? The cons is that you need to change it regularly because it will get bitten or torn apart by your cat. 

Next, please make sure that your cat are caged or kept in a safe place until the end of the medication and until the stitches dry and fall down. You could touch it to check but make sure your hands are clean :) Don't let your cat go outside by that time okay ? I did it to Bella and yup the healing process was longer that it's supposed to be. 

My last advice- ALWAYS check on your cat ear temperature. Too warm or too cold is not quite good. Usually after giving the antibiotic, the temperature will lowered down a bit so don't worry. Just make sure it's not too much okay ? be there for your cat ALWAYS for the first 3 days at least.

Well, i think that's it :) I really hoped that this will help at least any one of you. If you have any questions comment down below.

Remember: Our cats are a part of our family too.

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