Sunday 16 August 2015

Book review #3: Percy Jackson

I realised that this is only my 3rd book review. I am LAME. I've read pretty a lot of books tho but I just so lazy to make a review bout them. But, I am super determined now after visiting my friend's blog, She's a bibliophile of course and she is so committed in reviewing the books she has read. Click here to check her out. You'll be amaze :)

Now let us start with my book review shall we ?

I've read the last three book of Percy Jackson which are : The Titan's Curse, The Battle of The Labyrinth and The Last Olympian. I'm not going to review in detail for each book of course. That's going to take days- or months for lazy girl like me.

Rick Riordan is really good in writing, expressing and adding some twist in these Greek myths- I can't argue that. His works make me wanting to know more about it, so I will always try to indulge myself with story and keep flipping the pages forward. Of course as I am Muslim, I refused to believe it but it's fun and eye-opening when you know more about other's culture and beliefs- even if it is claimed to be just a myth. I never restricted myself from exploring that. Another thing about these series is how it is written to make me think. Idk about other readers but whenever Percy had a dream or when their Gods predicted something, I always wanted to relate it with what has happened and what might happen. When I felt like I am missing some important part I will look back and search them just so that I could come out with something you know ? That's how good Riordan is.

For your information I don't read the first two books because well I thought I've watched the movie so why buy them ? yeah lame. I'm trying to save my budget tho.

I cannot relate much with the characters tho because well, I never been in a real battle to save the world before. So yeah. But, I really adore how Percy, Annabeth and Grover stay together in any circumstances. They never mistrust or back on each other even though Annabeth and Percy seems to have a few misunderstanding and arguments. To be honest, I am sometime mad at Annabeth because of her pride and how she always believe that there is still good in Luke.


In The Titan's Curse, Thalia, Percy, Annabeth and Grover saved two other demigods at a like Army Academy- Nico and Bianca Di Angelo. Of course both of them don't even know their parents plus they don't even know there are demigods. After a bit of running and slaying the monsters they saved them with the help of The Hunters which was never mentioned in the first two books. They are Artemis's lady or something like that and they are very good at hunting monsters PLUS the girls are all immortal which not mean the wouldn't die but they will stay young for thousands of years. The head group I could say, have lived for about 2000 years. However, the demigods and The Hunters don't go along pretty well especially with Thalia tho. As I read it further, I discovered that once The Hunters had invited her to become one of them but she refused. But in the end, Thalia became one of them eventually in order to save Olympus (something about the prophecy) and to accepts Artemis reward for her. I am pretty positive with her choice. Even if at first I hate the leader because of her so called strictness and ' No boys' attitude, I then discovered there are reasons behind that. She was abandoned by her family because of her love towards Hercules and the end Hercules throw away all his promises to her. She was so alone before The Hunters found her. I am happy also that in the end, before she died in the battle, she expressed that Percy was nothing like Hercules- Percy was honest and keep his words.

Now, as for Nico and Bianca, it was a little hazy at first and I was not paying much attention to them too. However then it started to get exciting. Bianca accept the invitation to become one of The Hunters because she wanted to let go of her responsibilities toward this world and also towards Nico which is pretty mean I must say. Nico was mad too because Nico has no one else beside her. On the quest, Bianca followed the trip of 5- 3 demigods ( Thalia, Annabeth and Percy) and 2 Hunters ( the leader and Bianca). Nico made Percy promised to take care of Bianca but well the prophecy won. Bianca died in the battle. I cried because her last words was about how she loves Nico so much and she is sorry for all that happen. Nico was in rage when he knew about this. He lose trust on Percy and tried to attack Percy and Annabeth before running away from the campus. That was the moment when Percy and Annabeth realised that Nico and Bianca were the children of Hades, god of death because he summoned the dead accidentally of course. I was astonished also but there was no further explanation as the story ended here.

As for the next book, it was pretty boring because the quest is about walking through a tunnel which is the tunnel of Labyrinth. But this only happened in the first half of the book tho. After that it has gotten more exciting. This time it is Annabeth's quest and also this is the time for Grover to shine. While Annabeth and Percy tried to save the world from Kronos invasion, Grover searched for Pan which was his live long dream. I felt so glad for Grover bravery until he could find Pan but the saddest part is Pan was dying when they met him and he eventually died leaving the responsibility to save the nature to Grover. When I reached that point I already knew that when he got back no one would believe him and yes, it's true. I hate when that happen.

The most eye-opening part for me is when Percy keep on dreaming of how Nico is seeking revenge at him by summoning the dead and seek help from them. I know for a boy his age, loosing a family member would be a disaster but I just can't deal with how reckless he was until he endangered his friends' life. In my opinion, he should stay at the camp and learn more about whom he can really trust.

I started to sense that Percy has shown his jealousy towards Luke in these last two books. Before this he just kept it to himself but now he expressed it out to Annabeth. Well, not in that intimate way but during a sudden conversation between both of them. I liked it. but at the same time I also felt that she does not deserve a perfect guy like percy because she is so obsessed with Luke.

The last book is the one I have been waiting for and I am not dissapointed at all ! You will find out that this book is mostly about the BIG WAR. Greeks Vs Titans (that's what I understand). However there are also details in them that will answer most of our questions while reading this series. I was so shocked to find out that the prophecy is not about Percy. He is not exactly the demigod that will either ruin or uphold the Olympus- well of course for me HE IS THE HERO, he helped a lot, since the beginning. But actually Luke is the hero. YES.

Annabeth is true about Luke. Even if he has turned into Kronos, there is still him underneath it. and when Annabeth begged to Luke to remember his promise to her, Luke started to get control of his body and he took the knife given by him to Annabeth and killed himself. Before he died, he confessed that he loves her but then she said that she loves him as her brother. Good.

Well if you asked me, I am not sad at all when Luke dies like that because I still don't believe in him. I mean he's the bad guy right ? But oh well maybe I am to obsessed with Percy haha.


Thank you for reading and tell me about you opinion too okay ? :D

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