Thursday 20 November 2014

Beautiful :)

Assalamualaikum and good evening ( it's nearly maghrib already )

More than a month without any entry and I am so sorry you guys. I just felt like nobody is going to read my blog anyway :( but then I thought again- I need to fulfil my promise. Because I have my laptop in front of me like for 24/7 but still I felt so malas eh. Haish bad dinie bad dinie.

I can't figure out the title for today but I think basically I'm gonna share what I got from Daurah that I went last week in Putrajaya :) Have no clue about daurah ? Well, it's just like usrah ( which actually means FAMILY ) but it's in a larger group and usually a special guest will give the talk. Before you guys started to think that these are wrong or extreme, it's actually not. Back on the olden days in Mekah, Rasulullah actually did usrah in order to slowly building up the aqidah in Muslims. So yes, we are following what Rasulullah did. Isn't that makes you happy ? I know I am :D

We slept at Masjid Putra, Putrajaya. Ya Allah, it's so BEAUTIFUL !!!! I cannot get my eyes off the dome and the view. Subhanaallah.

The talk was about Shahadatul Haq. Jangan pening-2 sekarang yee hehe. Let me ask you a question, "Do you really think that you're a Muslim ?" Well if yes then "Why do you think so ?" Is it because you said the shahadah ? Humm yes yes all Muslim said the shahadah but do we really know the meaning that lies between the kalimah ? When we say the shahadah, we actually carry a big responsibility on our back- not just towards ourself but to others in this world. Why ? Let see the meaning of our shahadah. ' I witnessed that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah '

In Malay witnessed is saksi right ? Have you ever wonder why Allah used that word instead of just using ' I belief ' or ' I swear ' ? It's because witnessed is a strong word. It means that you are the witness of the truth which is in this case it's Islam. As a witness what are you supposed to do ?

As example, if you are a witness to an accident on the road, what are supposed to do ? Do you just stand there and do nothing ? or you went to the court session and tell the truth ? Now, here I am asking what you are supposed to do not what you wanted to do. Of course you need to tell the truth right ? because you are the witness ! Can you imagine if you lied or did not stand out for the victim ? Then, there will be no justice in the court.

Same implies in our situation. As a Muslim, our responsibility is to speak for the truth. Tell them how great Islam is. Tell them how beautiful Islam is. Tell them how strong you will be with Islam. Tell them with pride that you are a Muslim. Bring them together with you to the right path. Bring them together to the light not to the darkness. Do not keep the truth for yourselves.

But in order to do this, we need to prepare ourself first. As a human, as the creation of Allah we did many wrong deeds, we are sinners. But does this prevent ourself from searching the truth ? No. We need to search for the truth and learn from our mistakes. Take it from me- I did a lot of mistakes in my life that even I myself could not forgive it but hey, Allah itu Maha Pengampun kan ?

So I hope this sharing is meaningful for us. Forgive me if i've said something that made you uneasy okay ? If you have any questions just comment me down below :)

Enjoy your day friends.

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