Tuesday 25 November 2014

Book Review #1

Yeaaa my first book review !!! 

I am in class again :D class study skills for science pulak ni 😇 I borrowed this book last week i think together with Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I have finished this book so now I am trying to finish LOTR despite having physical chemistry test next week. A BIG SIGH. 

Basically this novel is about letting go of someone. Oh and this is not a teenagers kind of love story but middle aged people. So. There's this woman who could not let go of the fact that she has been dumped after 3 yrs ( i think ) by a widow with a son. 

The lunatic part and the most rediculous part is that she stalked him. Not just stalking like scrolling his twitter, facebook or any other social medias but this is a kind of SCARY STALKING. She followed him to his house, waited there and watched him going on dates. 

That man new girlfriend was also been stalked for God sake it seems stupid for me 😭😭 His new girl is a hypnotist so she had a home office. So this crazy woman pretended to be one of the patient in ordet to become the hypnotist's friend. Duh so desperate haih. 

DONE. Haha i am not going to be a spoiler daa. There'll be BIG BAD WOLF book sale starting on 5 december at MIECC, Serdang so if you found this novel, grab it !! It's worth it *wink*

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