Sunday 29 March 2015

Build your confidence

Hello there dearies,

If you still remember, my actual purpose on doing this blogging stuff is because I wanted to help some of you out there by sharing my experiences and thoughts, So today's post is all about that InsyaaAllah.

Umbrella ?

Scorching sun ?

Conclusion ?

Before that, ask yourself this question:

Do you ever be in a situation where you are walking under a hot sun and you have an umbrella with you ? You felt so uncomfortable because it's SO HOT and you started to feel dizzy. Would you use that umbrella even though some of people around you didn't ?

My answer is OF COURSE !

I know some of you will feel ashamed when people see you holding up an umbrella even if it is not raining but heyh ! the sun nowadays ( in Malaysia especially ) is scorching hot ! Based on my experience, I will always get headache when I walked through a hot sun like that-without any shades. That's why I always bring my small umbrella with me.

To be frank, I don't care what other say because I'm doing a right thing- I am protecting myself. Honestly, I am not protecting my skin- I am protecting my health especially the head part. My mom always advice me to be careful with the weather nowadays. It's unpredictable. Some people even got skin cancer or heat stroke with this kind of weather here in Malaysia.

So, do any of you do the same thing as me ?? *hands up*

No matter what your motif is- whether to protect your skin or to prevent dizziness- JUST DO IT ! Other people didn't do this maybe because they are lazy to bring umbrella or the weather just don't have any negative effects on them.

Don't be intimidated. You are not doing a wrong thing right ?

If someone teases you, explain to them about the weather and also about your concern on your health. Good friend will understand and respect you :)

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