Saturday 28 March 2015

UNMC Earth Hour

Assalamualaikum dear readers,

I am getting to strongly feel that nobody on earth read my recent post. haha it's okay i'm still posting anyway.

Last night, me and my lovely housemate, Rini went to our campus Earth Hour. YEA !! At last I got the chance to go because last year I am too LAZY to go ! The event start at 6 p.m. but we only went for the main part of it which was the candlelight walk (something like the picture up there). Basically at 8.30 p.m. all the power was shut down and we have to walk around the campus with that candlelight. OKAY me and Rini do a little bit of cheating and go back to our hall. hoho. Who wants to walk that long huh ??

Oh ya an I LOVE the Polaroid picture we took at the booth there. SO PRETTY. I wish I had one of that camera tho because it's not that expensive anyway. haih InsyaaAllah i'll buy it if i'm not that lazy ;D

I really enjoyed my night yesterday haha because it's so not easy to meet that girl even tho we are housemate. SHE IS SUPER BUSY ! So Alhamdulillah at least I could have some memories with her haha.

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