Tuesday 23 February 2016

Book Review: The Artist of Disappearance

Hello people !!

I have finished the second story in this book by Anita Desai.
Really can't wait for my first book club meeting in March !

This is my review. Happy reading :)

I have no feelings - blank, totally blank after finishing this. Like there is no emotions taking place. But the story is not bad. Just that it left me with questions to ponder and answer them myself.
The lady in this story, Prema is an English teacher teaching literature somewhere in India. She is supposed to be focusing on some American or a more modern literature but instead, she kept on dwelling itself in her mother's language that only few people understand it these days. She has this one book written by Suvarna Devi that she really adores and want to let everyone knows about it. The reason given in this book is because the story took place in her hometown back when her parents are still happily married and alive. I guess that is just the main reason why she is so obsessed with this language and this writer. For me, she spent so much of her time, energy and emotions on trying to make Suvarna Devi or the language itself famous to the outer world. She worked with her school friend, Tara in translating Suvarna's work and it went well. But when she met Suvarna herself, I have the feeling that Suvarna did not want to be known. Does she wants to protect her mother tongue so that's why she never have the urge to translate her own work? Well, she did not disapprove it but she is not excited yknow. Like for example would you be sad and gloomy or ecstatic when you know your book will be famous ! even if it will be in other languages ?

I don't think Prema get that gesture. She even continue asking Suvarna whether she will write more. Again, when Suvarna said yes there will be a novel coming and Prema is eager to translate it, Suvarna just nod or did similar gesture as that means. But yah doesn't it proves that she is not comfortable with it? For me Prema is living in her own world, self-centered. Doesn't she care about the writer feelings? well, I don't know how the editing, publishing thing works but there must be consent needed somewhere? Even if not on paper then verbally would be fine.

The most unreasonable act that Prema did was changing the writing style of Suvarna in her new novel. Like is it allowed ?????? She did that because she thinks that Suvarna's writing is deteriorating and if she continues the same style the book will not be a block buster or something like that. Wait ? she is just supposed to translate it right ? If something is not right that discuss with the writer or don't write it at all. I did come to this conclusion where I think Prema is only obsessed with this author and her short-stories because they reminded her of her childhood memories.

On the other hand, Tara whom to me is not an important character here but when I think about it she is not helping Prema's situation either. She knew that Prema is new to this publishing thing why didn't she guide her. Tell her what to do. Instead, she just said she believed in Prema to handle it.

As a conclusion, this story provides me with loads to think off. I like it. The way the story is plotted to let me to want more of it. But I kinda felt empty probably because of the ending. Why Anita Desai loves to give the readers a cliff hanging ending. Or is it just me?

Book Review: The Artist of Disappearance

Hello readers.

I joined a book club at my Uni this semester. This is apart of my extra module I am taking. Our first assigned book is The Artist of Disappearance by Anita Desai.
It has 3 stories in it :)
This is my Review for the first one.

Cliff-hanging or not?

Idk why I felt like i need more of this story. Anita Desai ended this one without giving any clue on what happened to the museum after the main character promised to try and manage it. Is the museum even existed?

Let's rewind a bit. The main character which I don't think is named in this story, is a man whom i think either freshly graduated or he has to change his work place. I found out that he is from a well established family living in the city. So at first he is not happy with his work place which is in a suburban side of town. Well I could relate this with him because when I first enter my boarding school, I complaint A LOT !!! because it is NOTHING like my house. But after a long time, those once make a significant difference did not bother me anymore.

The main character job is like an officer who deals with people's land, wealth and things like that. He needs to ensure people in that area get sufficient water supply and equal land. Looks like a stressful job to me because he will somehow be in dilemma on who's going to get more than other. This is not so interesting right? well now I am going to the part where it got me so excited !

An old man ( not too old i think ) come to see him and begged him to visit a museum founded by his master ( a woman ) and do a survey on whether anything could be done to improve the situation. The main character has actually encounter a man saying that there was a museum there but no one knows what had happened so, he listened to the man. Yes, the story behind that museum is exciting and mysterious ! ( i'm not going to give any spoiler here haha )

He went there. Honestly by just reading I could imagine how wonderful and sourceful the museum is ! It almost got every bits of every country in the world ! 

The main character is having too much surprises from the caretaker and the museum itself so i think he is like not believing what he had seen. But he did say he will try to do something.

To my dissapointment, HE DID NOT DO ANYTHING !!!! Now, he is even at a higher position in his work and yet he did not want to go back and find that museum. How could he ? I mean, it's a museum ! We need to preserve all the artifacts in it. I am so sad to be honest.

Anita Desai is good in inserting mysterious feelings in her story. To me it has given me a certain feeling of emptiness in my heart. Humm or that was her intention to the  readers ?

Friday 19 February 2016

Book review: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of Universe

Beautiful. Yes it is. I cried. Not that crappy, sad, horrible cry but a cry of happiness. Its about teenage boys finding their ways in life, figuring what they are supposed to be, what's right and what's wrong. Most important is these boys have secret. A big secret that bottled up inside them. Family secrets, their secrets .. These all play a major role in how they grew up.

I love it how this book ends with revealing all of those secrets. Well tbh i've accidentally know the endings but the way it is written towards it is the one matters the most.

Even if i'm agreeing with gay and lesbians because it is religiously wrong but this book doesn't make me feel gross. The way it is written, made me see the beau in this relationship between Dante and Aris. They fought so hard to deny those feelings but they just can't.

The story line

It is a melancholic story. Lovely written. The story started by showing all Ari's insecurities and questions that bottled up in his mind. He has lots of questions. He is still figuring himself out. The way he and Dante met is not so fancy or BOOM! but it is simple. Just a simple 'hey' and WALAH ! they become best friends. I like how the differences between Ari and Dante brought them together. The plot is not that fast moving you know but I guess the writing style made me stay. If with other books I would have been bored and close the book already but not with this one. The friendship of Ari and Dante looks very pure and sincere to me. It's hard you know to have a friend like that. I am not shocked about them being lover but i'm confussed, does this means they way Ari loves Dante is considered as a love of a lover ? Can't friends have that kind of love among each other? 

The writings

PERFECT. yup that's the word. The writings made me stay. Yes. It is very simple yet it will stab your heart.

Gave it 5/5 STARS :DDDDD

Saturday 13 February 2016

Book Review: The Architect's Apprentice

THE COVER OF THIS BOOK IS SO FREAKING GORGEOUS ! This is my first book of 2016, read it in January but only now i got the time in reviewing it for you guys. I just found out that this book is one of the nominees for Goodreads Best Book of 2015. I have no doubt it could get there because this book is really wonderful. As i am the fan of historical fiction, mystery and adventure genre, The Architect's Apprentice is capable of making me cannot stay put while reading it haha.  

The story and plot

The first two pages have already caught my eyes on reading more of it. It started on telling the readers about Jahan and his white Elephant, Chota working with the famous architect in Istanbul, Sinan. From here also I got the insight on the cruelity of the ruler of Istanbul during the Ottoman Empire. After that, the real story begins. See ? This kind of plot make me want to know more. It first started with a portion of the story from the middle and then it somehow do the flashback thingy to show us what had and will happen. The story build up on how Jahan, a man from Hindustan survived on the land of Istanbul without no one to rely on. All he knew was he is there as elephant tamer, his elephant, Chota is a gift for the Sultan and he has to steal precious gems of Istanbul for the captain that brought him there. Hence, stealing is somehow became his job before Sinan saved him and made him his apprentice. Shafak is brilliant in adding cultures of Istanbul into this story and i have to say that it made me eager to go there ! The cultures are beautiful. How Muslims, Jews, gypsies and Christians live together harmonically is something that I would want to see with my own eyes. I enjoy the idea of including the conflicts within the country into the plot as it allows me to realize that a place may seem unbreakable, serene and complete but no one knows how the people struggle to keep it secure. However I did not quite like the plot where wars took place because I seem not to understand it so well. As the story goes, Shafak included a bit of romance but not much. Just like a pinch of salt ( if you could relate like that haha ) I like it you know. The way Jahan and Mihrimah ( the Princess of Istanbul ) fell in love with each other. They are far, very far from each other but the hearts, are never apart. Then, after Sinan took Jahan as his apprentice, the story gets even more mysterious and quite confusing if you lost your focus. Jahan is a kind of man that wants answers to every questions he had on mind and living with Sinan, he could not get the answer easily. While he is helping Sinan building bridges, mosque, houses and other architectures, he is also helping himself. During this part of the story, I have so many questions in my mind that I made me want to finish it fast and get the answer ! When I have gotten my answers, I am shocked. Really shocked.

The writing style

It is not an easy going writing style but not a difficult to understand kinda style either. You are good to go if you are focus. This is mainly because Shafak's style in conveying the story is not straight forward. You need to understand the meaning behind it. That's why this book has lots of good quotes that I could only understand after rereading that phrase at least two times. But, it's worth it. It is like interpreting or decoding a hidden message. You will feel proud of yourselves when you finally got it right. In addition, the style is quite soft and calming. erk are that the words ? hoho. But what I mean is i'm in love with the writing style. But, I found out that Shafak is quite lacking in describing the wars and battlefield parts. That's the reason why I skipped that part I guess. 

Spoiler part

I am so not over from the fact that Jahan and Mihrimah cannot be together just because Jahan is not a royalty ! How could they ? They are clearly in love but they have to keep that to themselves for ages. Up until the last breath of Mihrimah, she is still in love with Jahan and  I know it even though her guardian, Dada told Jihan she is just fond of him, nothing more than that. The shocker part is when I all Jahan's questions are answered.. by Dada. I never thought that Dada would be the person behind all of the incidents that have happened ! But I cannot and do not want to believe that Mihrimah and somehow Sinan had something to do with Dada. Dada is a witch. A WITCH ! How bad is that ? After all this while, she has been there. Watching and waiting.

End of spoiler part

I enjoy this book very much. Gave it 5/5 stars.