Friday 19 February 2016

Book review: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of Universe

Beautiful. Yes it is. I cried. Not that crappy, sad, horrible cry but a cry of happiness. Its about teenage boys finding their ways in life, figuring what they are supposed to be, what's right and what's wrong. Most important is these boys have secret. A big secret that bottled up inside them. Family secrets, their secrets .. These all play a major role in how they grew up.

I love it how this book ends with revealing all of those secrets. Well tbh i've accidentally know the endings but the way it is written towards it is the one matters the most.

Even if i'm agreeing with gay and lesbians because it is religiously wrong but this book doesn't make me feel gross. The way it is written, made me see the beau in this relationship between Dante and Aris. They fought so hard to deny those feelings but they just can't.

The story line

It is a melancholic story. Lovely written. The story started by showing all Ari's insecurities and questions that bottled up in his mind. He has lots of questions. He is still figuring himself out. The way he and Dante met is not so fancy or BOOM! but it is simple. Just a simple 'hey' and WALAH ! they become best friends. I like how the differences between Ari and Dante brought them together. The plot is not that fast moving you know but I guess the writing style made me stay. If with other books I would have been bored and close the book already but not with this one. The friendship of Ari and Dante looks very pure and sincere to me. It's hard you know to have a friend like that. I am not shocked about them being lover but i'm confussed, does this means they way Ari loves Dante is considered as a love of a lover ? Can't friends have that kind of love among each other? 

The writings

PERFECT. yup that's the word. The writings made me stay. Yes. It is very simple yet it will stab your heart.

Gave it 5/5 STARS :DDDDD

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