Tuesday 23 February 2016

Book Review: The Artist of Disappearance

Hello people !!

I have finished the second story in this book by Anita Desai.
Really can't wait for my first book club meeting in March !

This is my review. Happy reading :)

I have no feelings - blank, totally blank after finishing this. Like there is no emotions taking place. But the story is not bad. Just that it left me with questions to ponder and answer them myself.
The lady in this story, Prema is an English teacher teaching literature somewhere in India. She is supposed to be focusing on some American or a more modern literature but instead, she kept on dwelling itself in her mother's language that only few people understand it these days. She has this one book written by Suvarna Devi that she really adores and want to let everyone knows about it. The reason given in this book is because the story took place in her hometown back when her parents are still happily married and alive. I guess that is just the main reason why she is so obsessed with this language and this writer. For me, she spent so much of her time, energy and emotions on trying to make Suvarna Devi or the language itself famous to the outer world. She worked with her school friend, Tara in translating Suvarna's work and it went well. But when she met Suvarna herself, I have the feeling that Suvarna did not want to be known. Does she wants to protect her mother tongue so that's why she never have the urge to translate her own work? Well, she did not disapprove it but she is not excited yknow. Like for example would you be sad and gloomy or ecstatic when you know your book will be famous ! even if it will be in other languages ?

I don't think Prema get that gesture. She even continue asking Suvarna whether she will write more. Again, when Suvarna said yes there will be a novel coming and Prema is eager to translate it, Suvarna just nod or did similar gesture as that means. But yah doesn't it proves that she is not comfortable with it? For me Prema is living in her own world, self-centered. Doesn't she care about the writer feelings? well, I don't know how the editing, publishing thing works but there must be consent needed somewhere? Even if not on paper then verbally would be fine.

The most unreasonable act that Prema did was changing the writing style of Suvarna in her new novel. Like is it allowed ?????? She did that because she thinks that Suvarna's writing is deteriorating and if she continues the same style the book will not be a block buster or something like that. Wait ? she is just supposed to translate it right ? If something is not right that discuss with the writer or don't write it at all. I did come to this conclusion where I think Prema is only obsessed with this author and her short-stories because they reminded her of her childhood memories.

On the other hand, Tara whom to me is not an important character here but when I think about it she is not helping Prema's situation either. She knew that Prema is new to this publishing thing why didn't she guide her. Tell her what to do. Instead, she just said she believed in Prema to handle it.

As a conclusion, this story provides me with loads to think off. I like it. The way the story is plotted to let me to want more of it. But I kinda felt empty probably because of the ending. Why Anita Desai loves to give the readers a cliff hanging ending. Or is it just me?

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