Saturday 9 August 2014

A geek

Assalamualaikum and good evening.

We meet again. Have you guys had your lunch yet ? Well you better have one because I've already had mine !! yum huh ? Today I'm not fasting like other 4 days before. Ada lagi 2 hari untuk hbiskan puasa enam :) Cuma harini mama dinie tak larat sikit. Hehehe. To all Muslims, lets us fasting in this month of Syawal. InsyaaAllah jika kita ikhlas, kita akan dapat ganjaran yang lumayan. After this I will help my parents at our family pharmacy - FARMASI KAMUNTING. As you all know I'm 18 and of course I am not a school student anymore but instead I am a college student. yeaa ! haha.

The University of Nottingham Malaysia is where I am studying right now under MARA sponsorship. Alhamdulillah I got my preferred course which is pharmacy. yeep it's in mah blood. Why not Medic ? haha it's a hot question to answer. Even though my SPM results are quite exemplary and I am eligible to apply for the Medic course but still, I DON'T. I am AFRAID. yes that's it. JUST THAT. Being a doctor-to-be is surely not easier that being a doctor itself. It's just the same. The work load- the risk- the time consumption. But yes the pay is worth it. Still, it's not my choice. Have you ever think of the reason why adults ( especially in Malaysia - my aunts and uncles ) always want us to be doctor ? Like there is no other important person for us to be. When I asked my father this question he said- " Memang orang semua pandang tinggi terhadap doktor walaupun apa yang dilakukan hanyalah membalut luka yang kecil, sebab semua yang dilakukan itu amatlah bermakna. Doktor selamatka nyawa orang yang mereka sayang". Yes it is true but if everyone wants to be a doctor and there is no engineer, politician, astronomers, and other important jobs, what would our life be ? I strongly believe that no matter what your dream are, you just need to work it out- not just saying "Alah pass cukuplah. " Because, I can promise you that all the hard work is really worth it. I know cause I have been through some of the feeling ( not ALL yet ).

Since I was in my primary school, I always try to be the best in my academic ( I am bad at sports oh God ). My efforts really pay off though. My UPSR, PMR and SPM results are the proves that keep me believe in
" work hard and smart " moto. But of course all along that way, I lost something that others get. But then again I talk to myself that this world is not mine. I cannot have everything. " We have to choose " That's my other moto. ( hah I've a lot of moto actually ) I still remember back on that days, I studied like it's my only hobby. but I'm not SUPER STRESS though. I LOVE to study and read books ( don't judge me okay I am lame i know ) Belajarlah kerana Allah. Niatlah untuk membantu agamanya. Dinie study so that I can achieved my dream and that dream is not only having a good job, enormous house and money as high as mountain. The dream is also to fulfill our promise to Allah. Kalau kita tak usaha untuk mencari ilmu Dia macamana kita nak kenal Allah. Dan kita tak boleh lupa kepada ibu bapa kita. They want to see us happy, both in this world and also akhirat. and we must not forget untuk berdoa dan bertawakal kepada Allah lepas kita usaha. Allah is always there for us :) Bila kita study dan tidak melupakan Allah, InsyaaAllah kita tak akan jadi stress or even histeria.

See you in my next post lovelies.

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