Sunday 10 August 2014

Disney addict

Assalamualaikum and good evening.

Taiping is having a heavy down pour just now. With thunder and lightning :o Alhamdulillah because now I can breath in fresher air. Having a 2 months holiday is so risky. haha because I have a tendency to waste my holiday without I even know it. Right now, my plans for this holls don't really go on a right track yet. I mean, I still didn't start playing my keyboard and continuing my art works. I wish the mood could come faster because I am really wasting my TIME. I don't even finish a NOVEL yet even though it's almost a month I am home. How bad is that ? I am so gonna regret this if I don't work things out. But ! I am excited for our family holiday in Pulau Langkawi ! Langkawi Island is just my family get away place. Since past 4 years we keep going there every year, I just love it. Plus, we are staying at Meritus Beach Resort and Spa. The service is almost PERFECT I can tell. We stayed there last year and I just don't wanna go home. Boleh bajet2 ala princess bila duduk sana. hahahaha. Oh ya, its at Chenang Beach anyway. Please go there because it is the merriest place in Langkawi especially for tourists ( setakat yang saya tahu lah ) hehe.

Okay I'm gonna stop babbling and start with my real story for today. DISNEY. haha yes I am a Disney addict but I am truly happy with that fact. Sometimes we forget about our childhood-we forget how pure and sincere we are- we forget how we always obey our parents and the worst is we forget who we truly are. I don't know about others but Disney conquer half of my childhood. I have started enjoying Disney Channel when I am 6 years old I think as that's that's the first time my parents subscribe for Astro :) I can still remember Bananas in pajamas. haha. The new one is so lame. For me, when I watched the movies and series again I could feel that I have found the real me. ME that I have pushed away because I think that I am too old for that. When I remember how I used to obey my parents and never lie to them, I started to think that, if we keep being like how we behaved during our childhood, we will end up just fine. No heartbreaks, no stress, no promises. But I know it will not happen that way but why trash all the good things if we could save some ? We could just take the parts that we are sincere, lovable and our enthusiasm in everything we do. Don't you remember how Cinderella never give up ? and the friendship of Winnie The Pooh with his friends ? TBH semua cerita ada moralnya kan ? Cuma cara kita memahami itu yang membezakan kita.

I am not ashamed when people said that I am such a kid because I am still obeying my parents and still ask them before I do something, because this is the only time. Why we want to grow up so fast ? The time will come. and when that time come, you will thinking about going back if you don't make a full use of your young-life.

Sudah lah tu membebel yee dinie :D Good day everyone. InsyaaAllah nak ikut mama abah ke Taiping Mall malam ni. Just doing a sneak peek.

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