Thursday 7 August 2014

Human and mistakes are inseparable

Assalamualaikum and good afternoon to all . Ceehh macam ramai sangat je yang membaca. haha tak apalah.

Like I said this is not the first time I am keeping a blog. This is the second time actually and TBH I am really excited about this. Because dinie nak penuhkan blog ni dengan kata-kata semangat, nasihat ke and pengalaman yang dinie rasa patut di share kan. But it looks quite hard isn't it ? I mean, to post about something that could really help other people. Macam mana sekalipun, I'm gonna try yaah sbb berkata perkara yang baik adalah lebih baik daripada menceritakan hal-hal yang lagha kan ?

I don't know where to start. haha. Let's start with something that is closer to my heart shall we ?
I am a post-school-student * I don't this that's a word * so like other teenagers I also have some sweet, sour and bitter memories* bukan perkataan juga haha *. Even though at school I am one of the top students and a 'book worm' I guess, but still I did A LOT of mistakes that up until now I cannot forgive myself but hey, Allah is always there for me and I know that everything happened for a reason. In life, we cannot avoid doing wrong stuffs because that's what human do right ? We do mistakes. But we must always remember that we can make our choices whether to still doing that mistakes or stop it with our strong will. The most important is kita tak boleh kata " Dah takdir aku macamni ". Well yes Allah has already know our faith but still He wants us to work hard to be the one that we promised Him to be. Remember, when you need someone to talk to, talk to Allah. I am not that kind of 'alim' person but still I am a Muslim and I got to do what Allah has told me to do. Trust me, you will be much better when you tell your misery and stories to Allah instead of telling them to other people because Allah is the one who creates you and He knows the best for you. And yeah it took me like forever to realise this. Teruk kan ? I am trying to be a better person to my religion, family and myself. Hard but it is worth to work for.

If we ever had done something wrong and bad, remember, don't ever lose faith. Berdoalah kepada Allah agar Dia mengampunkan kita dan berdoalah jugak agar Dia membantu kita diberikan hidayah untuk melonjakkan diri kita ke arah yang benar. Well, that's what I do after the wake up call. And sejak dari tu dinie rasa lebih tenang. So, the conclusion is that even if we have done a lot of bad deeds and mistakes all we need to do is STOP IT and pray to Allah, talke to Him, and cry to Him. Let your heart out. He is our creator. He knows even way better that anyone. and the best is He will never let you down.

That's it . See you in next post ;)


  1. Wah, it so impressive.. Very meaningful.. It was a good start of your blog.. Keep posting your best words.. Im lovin it! Hehe.. Poyo je speaking.. Haha. #12

  2. Woah dinie...daebak!! ������������ keep up the good words..

  3. Thanks you guys :) Baru ada semangat !! :D
