Monday 11 August 2014

Friends ?

Assalamualaikum and good morning readers :)

I just drank my coffee and ate 3 slices of bread. AHH kenyang sudah. This morning I had to go to my primary school just because my little brother left his book. He's in standard 2 by the way. I was responsible because I was supposed to make sure that his timetable is followed correctly. sigh. So, without taking my shower or even brush my teeth ( ya Allah. haha ) I changed my cloth and hopped in the car. Yes, segan sikit but well I'm a big girl right ? and my brother need me so I need there for him. So, as soon as I reached there which is just 3-5 minutes from my house, I asked a help from a prefect girl. Ahh and suddenly the memories rushed into my mind. I went for that school for my entire primary education- 6 years ! How can I not remember the memories ? I remembered my friends which some of them are still my besties ! - Shafika, Khairunnisa, Atikah Husna are the closest actually as both of them still continuing to listen to my stupid stories up until now. Such a good friend :D I remembered my first crush. haha that's a funny story though. I was fragile, immature and quite rebellious at that time. I did LOTS of wrong stuffs especially when I started my standard 4. But, when I flashed them back, I am grateful that I made all the mistakes because if I don't, then I might not be this careful. I got to know a few ' false friends ' and learned their characters so that I would not be like that. Well, TBH I learned a lot of useful skills.

As I have started my topics about friends, why don't I just continue to talk about that ? What do we understand about ' friend ' or ' friendship ' ? For me a friend ( good friend/ best friend ) is a person that should like you for who you are, be fair to you, bring you close to Allah, never betray you and always give you good advice. When we have found that kind of friends, keep them because InsyaaAllah they will bring us to the right path. Along our journey, we might meet with friends that make us feel insecure and the seems trying to get something from us instead of sincerely be friend with us. Instead of hating them, and spreading bad rumors about them, all we need to do is just make a large gap between us and them. Just keep smiling but never show that you are holding your grudge. Keep in mind that Allah wants you to meet them because He wanted you to learn something :) Throughout my school life, I have seen  a few of my school mates that went astray because they followed their friends. Alhamdulillah I am not one of them. But, should we blame them ? They were immature at that time, so do I but I am just lucky that I have the common sense to choose between right or wrong. Maybe they are just trying to find ways to get out from their misery. I felt ashamed of myself because I cannot help them back then. I wished I could be a person that matters to someone but instead I'm just a person that just passing through someone's life without leaving any good memories. Well, now I am trying to be a better friend. Better than what I used to be :) Dear readers, a true friend is not someone that supports us in wasting our life just because we are happy with it, but a true friend is someone that is ready to be scolded and hated by us when they are trying to wake us up from our ' high '. I don't know about you but that's what I feel. I feel this way because I've been through this situation. Now, Alhamdulillah everything is fine. Thank you to Allah for all of the experiences.

That's all for now. Hope you enjoy your reading :D BYE lovelies.

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