Wednesday 31 December 2014

End of the chapter :)

Olla everyone :) so there's like another 30 minutes to the road of 2015 !!! YES BABY WE HAVE MADE THROUGH THIS ALIVE haha. 

Alhamdulillah I am happy for the changes i've been through in 2014 :) Idk how to express this feeling but frankly speaking I feel like i am born again. I AM FRESH ! I call this as Allah's talbiah on me. If you're a Muslim you might know what this is right ? It is something that brings good changes in yourselves- changes that will be blessed by Allah. InsyaaAllah :) 

I think this started when I realized that there's no help greater than Allah's. I started to let go some useless attachments in dunya. I started to understand more about our reaponsibility as Muslims- our purpose of life :D

Now, I am trying to open my heart more so that I'll be a better person :)

2015 Reading Challenge

It's midnight, i know haih. I just finished my Maths revision plus i'm hungry so I couldn't sleep. Sad life. 

But well, today's post made my midnight ( definitely cannot be use in exam πŸ˜… ).
The attached image is actually a 2015 reading challenge YEAAAA i am so excited about this. I saw it on kak shahirah's ig- bookloves_ You all should go and check on he ig because she posted all on novels waauuu !!! I am planning to do that on my ig but i need to be committed first hoho. 

So i hope all of the check-lists are ticked by the end of 2015. 

But the sad thing is i have to wait till i've finished my final exam which will be ended on 12.1. Wish me for the best everyone ❤️

Monday 29 December 2014

DIY Bookmarks <3

Assalamualaikum :D

I'm posting about DIY bookmarks I've made since this couple of days. YEAAHH !! hehe. Tbh i've been longing to do some crafty stuff since FOREVER ! but well with exams and all that I gotta postponed it. Sigh. I am glad I took Visual Arts in my SPM last year- at least i could enjoy studyingπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

These are the bookmarks :) 

I hope i could make a tutorial if it someday ☺️

Saturday 27 December 2014

Book review #2- The Boleyn Inheritance

Good evening everyone. I am at Delifrance Cafe rn- in Aeon Mall of course. I come here like almost everyday haha.  Humm. Alhamdulillah today i could see the sun again after about a week of down pour. I hope Allah eases people living in Pantai Timur and other places that's flooding right now. Flood never occur at my place so yeah idk how the feels right now but by looking at the level of water and their situation, i know they are having a tough times. Let's pray for them :)

Okay so this post is about my second book review: The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory- it's the sequel for The Other Boleyn Girl( now a major movie )

Well frankly speaking this novel is perfect for history lovers. I am one of them of course 😁 Idk why but i have this special fondness on historical story moreover when it's mixed with some fictional characteristics in it ❤️ 

So basically this novel is about the ruling of cruel King Henry vll in 15th century. He executed 4 of his wives- if I remembered it right hehe. During that time the King was said to be the God on Earth so no matter what he did, people will just follow. I think that's so stupid but maybe back then they got no choice. So yeah. The King only reason to get married was to have heiress for his throne. So every Queen need to give him son/sons. If not, he will be so displeased and that Queen might be executed. But he will manipulate the situation first of course.  

This novels shows how frightening to be the Queen of England during that century. Being the Queen if England means you put your head on the chopping block. But ladies that time had no choice. They got to give their everything if the King want them. So every Queen struggled to be alive. In this novel,the Queen- Katherine slept with her secret lover to be pregnant. But of course like most of the story the secret unleashed at last and she was sent to the Tower - waiting to be executed. 

Horrible isn't it ? 

Hah !! I don't want to spoil everything so you gotta go and buy that novel to know the details. Trust me, it's worth your money. 

One tip. Go and search for The Other Boleyn Girl movie streaming online. After you watched it you'll be thrilled to know deeper. 

Monday 22 December 2014

#1 Book Haul

Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone. 

This is my first book haul yeaaa :D So yeah i bought all of them at Big Bad Wolf book sale. I am so glad i could make it Alhamdulillah. But i'm not fully satisfied because some of my favourite books were not there. I think it's already finished or they don't unpack and display the books yet which are Nicholas Sparks' novels and The Other Boleyn Girl written by Philippa Gregory ( a historical story but with a beautiful yet vicious romance in it ). But i bought the sequel tho- The Boleyn Inheritance. 

I've read 2 of the 13 books i bought- Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship if The Ring and The Boleyn Inheritance. in my next post i'll post a review about The Boleyn Inheritance. InsyaaAllah. I'm not going to do it on LOTR tho as most of you must have watch the movie. Right ? :) What i could say is that that novel was so great !! I'm looking forward to read the second part. 

I am on my study week now so yeah i'm at Taiping- my home town :) I love it here. There's Aeon that just opened about one month. I went there almost everyday despite the fact that i need to study for my final πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but Alhamdulillah I actually did started my revision a week a go. 
Eventhough it's a study break but my usrah group is still active via Whatsapp and also Skype. Alhamdulillah. We did a group call on Skype last Thursday  night. Idk bout you guys but it feels different ( a blissful one ) when you actually use these saocial medias in the right path. Tbh i never use them for good things like this before. I started it tgis year after i've joined my usrah group. I guessed that's Allah's talbiah for me InsyaaAllah. And I hoped that i'll istiqamah :) 

Okay that's all. Wait for my book review on next post yaahhπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š

Friday 5 December 2014

Disturbing my head

Assalamualaikum and good evening people :)

I am so excited about going to Big Bad Wolf tomorrow. I love reading. I love novels. I love BOOKS in general. I just love the knowledge that I could grab by just reading them. Learning about other cultures, way of living and also their perspective of life. It just make me feel very grateful of having this life. Because for me I enjoy reading stories about family, friends and relationships between people so I got to see how well or how sad some life are.

But something is bothering me tonight. I don't know how to express thing feeling. Maybe this is just some hormonal imbalance thingy but still I got distracted about this.

I don't think that it's wrong to read books/novels isn't it ? It's how I expand my knowledge about people and it also open my mind for something new so that I won't be narrow minded people that think they are the only one living in this world. I believe that it's very important to let our knowledge grows. I might not be able to travel around the globe to grab all this experiences so the least I could do is read their stories.

Ughh idk know why this is bugging me so much. Maybe because of someone saying something ( I don't blame them ) but yeaahh I am feeling a little bit depressed. I hope that tomorrow will be a happy day for me. I've been waiting for so long you know. Allah has granted my prayers. He knows how bad I wanted to go there. InsyaaAllah I will be there by 10.30 morning at MIECC tomorrow.

Just one last thing.

Allah always hear your prayers but it's just the matter of time honey. He will grant your wish if it's good for you but if it's not He will replaced it with something much more better. InsyaaAllah.

Thursday 4 December 2014

On my way!

OEMMGEEE !! It's tomorrow babe it's tomorrow. I have been waiting for so long and couldn't be more excited than this. But well obviously i got class tomorrow so sadly saying I have to go in Saturday. Oh my i could imagine already how packed it will be. I hope I can find my way through out those 3 millions of books :D 

I went to BBW book sale last year with my mom, at the same place and same month of the year. It was awesome guys. I just love the way I was surrounded by millions of treasures. 

Oh ya I will be going with my bestie- Shafika πŸ’•πŸ’• 

I really hope that everything will went out well :)

Okay bye I will be getting my marks for Maths Test 😱😱