Wednesday 31 December 2014

2015 Reading Challenge

It's midnight, i know haih. I just finished my Maths revision plus i'm hungry so I couldn't sleep. Sad life. 

But well, today's post made my midnight ( definitely cannot be use in exam 😅 ).
The attached image is actually a 2015 reading challenge YEAAAA i am so excited about this. I saw it on kak shahirah's ig- bookloves_ You all should go and check on he ig because she posted all on novels waauuu !!! I am planning to do that on my ig but i need to be committed first hoho. 

So i hope all of the check-lists are ticked by the end of 2015. 

But the sad thing is i have to wait till i've finished my final exam which will be ended on 12.1. Wish me for the best everyone ❤️

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