Saturday 27 December 2014

Book review #2- The Boleyn Inheritance

Good evening everyone. I am at Delifrance Cafe rn- in Aeon Mall of course. I come here like almost everyday haha.  Humm. Alhamdulillah today i could see the sun again after about a week of down pour. I hope Allah eases people living in Pantai Timur and other places that's flooding right now. Flood never occur at my place so yeah idk how the feels right now but by looking at the level of water and their situation, i know they are having a tough times. Let's pray for them :)

Okay so this post is about my second book review: The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory- it's the sequel for The Other Boleyn Girl( now a major movie )

Well frankly speaking this novel is perfect for history lovers. I am one of them of course 😁 Idk why but i have this special fondness on historical story moreover when it's mixed with some fictional characteristics in it ❤️ 

So basically this novel is about the ruling of cruel King Henry vll in 15th century. He executed 4 of his wives- if I remembered it right hehe. During that time the King was said to be the God on Earth so no matter what he did, people will just follow. I think that's so stupid but maybe back then they got no choice. So yeah. The King only reason to get married was to have heiress for his throne. So every Queen need to give him son/sons. If not, he will be so displeased and that Queen might be executed. But he will manipulate the situation first of course.  

This novels shows how frightening to be the Queen of England during that century. Being the Queen if England means you put your head on the chopping block. But ladies that time had no choice. They got to give their everything if the King want them. So every Queen struggled to be alive. In this novel,the Queen- Katherine slept with her secret lover to be pregnant. But of course like most of the story the secret unleashed at last and she was sent to the Tower - waiting to be executed. 

Horrible isn't it ? 

Hah !! I don't want to spoil everything so you gotta go and buy that novel to know the details. Trust me, it's worth your money. 

One tip. Go and search for The Other Boleyn Girl movie streaming online. After you watched it you'll be thrilled to know deeper. 

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