Friday 5 December 2014

Disturbing my head

Assalamualaikum and good evening people :)

I am so excited about going to Big Bad Wolf tomorrow. I love reading. I love novels. I love BOOKS in general. I just love the knowledge that I could grab by just reading them. Learning about other cultures, way of living and also their perspective of life. It just make me feel very grateful of having this life. Because for me I enjoy reading stories about family, friends and relationships between people so I got to see how well or how sad some life are.

But something is bothering me tonight. I don't know how to express thing feeling. Maybe this is just some hormonal imbalance thingy but still I got distracted about this.

I don't think that it's wrong to read books/novels isn't it ? It's how I expand my knowledge about people and it also open my mind for something new so that I won't be narrow minded people that think they are the only one living in this world. I believe that it's very important to let our knowledge grows. I might not be able to travel around the globe to grab all this experiences so the least I could do is read their stories.

Ughh idk know why this is bugging me so much. Maybe because of someone saying something ( I don't blame them ) but yeaahh I am feeling a little bit depressed. I hope that tomorrow will be a happy day for me. I've been waiting for so long you know. Allah has granted my prayers. He knows how bad I wanted to go there. InsyaaAllah I will be there by 10.30 morning at MIECC tomorrow.

Just one last thing.

Allah always hear your prayers but it's just the matter of time honey. He will grant your wish if it's good for you but if it's not He will replaced it with something much more better. InsyaaAllah.

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