Monday 17 August 2015

Book Review #4: Lola and the Boy Next Door

Olla readers, me again and Alhamdulillah this is my 4th book review and I am so excited about this one.

This book is so relaxing but still not draggy which made me so in love in it until I could finish it in one day haha how cool is that. The characters are just enough for me and they are not too complicated to understand either. I found out that too much characters either minor or major would make myself to be less focus on the characters themselves.

The story already started out with explaining about why Lola was so afraid of their neighbour's come back to the neighbourhood which one of the reason I felt it's fun for me to read more without the need to rush but still make me wanted to continue reading as much as I could.

Even though this is quite an easy reading, I've felt a mix of feeling reading it. Lola love life is so smooth but yet complicated at the same time. The idea of Lola and Cricket living next to each other and that their room is also close to each other made me think of Taylor Swift's song, You Belong With Me and also some other teenage movies I've watched- hoping one day it could happen to me yeah day dreaming.

Somehow I could feel connected with Lola's love life. Because of some misunderstanding and an untold secret, Lola build a brick to separate herself from Cricket. She tried to find the same feeling of love but could not find it and then got together with a rocker man instead. At first I was mad on how people try to separate both of them- I mean despite the age difference, Max sincerely love Lola. Right ? Yeah.. that's what I thought too but then Stephanie Perkins started to mess up with my belief.


To be honest, at the first half of my reading, I dislike Cricket and Calliope very much. Why did he just moved away without even explaining the truth to Lola ? Nothing is too late. Well a call would do right ? Why did he have to wait until the moment when Lola is happy with Max to mess things up ?

I was on Max's side for quite a while. But then I noticed a few changes on Max while he's busy touring with his band. I know he was there when Lola needed him but not too clear things up. Lola ran to her only to run away from her problems- to run away from her true feelings towards Cricket. She wanted to forget him but she can't- OBVIOUSLY.

When the truth finally comes out- I just hated myself. Max is a liar ! Well I know I should have known but my head seems to not function well- probably because I still cannot forgive Cricket who's obsessed with her sister- Calliope is such a selfish young girl. Max spilled the beans at last- he doesn't even sincerely in love with Lola. He felt like he have too- not because he's not madly adoring Lola like Cricket did. I almost screamed in anger when Lola went to his apartment to clear things up but he yelled that he had slept with a woman ( the word woman is too irritate Lola of course ) and then he slammed the door. I wonder how Lola could cope quite well with that tho.

The romance between Lola and Cricket grew up slowly and steady which made me giggle everytime they are together. In my opinion, things tend to get better and stay wonderful longer with patience in ourselves. Sooner, I realised that Cricket is a resemblance of Peter in 'To All the Boys I've Loved Before' OMG ! How I wished both of them are in my reality !

As for Calliope, even if at the end it is revealed that she is not that bad, I still cannot understand why she's over-protective about her twin. I mean, Cricket is a guy already just leave him write his own story. I felt nothing when Calliope didn't get to be the Champion in the Olympics. She deserves it - hahaha I am mean.


I really recommend this book tho. It's a light reading really, but worth it :) I am excited to start Anna and the French Kiss ( yeah I did it backward-on purpose ) after I read Anny May's Black Book :D

Sunday 16 August 2015

Book review #3: Percy Jackson

I realised that this is only my 3rd book review. I am LAME. I've read pretty a lot of books tho but I just so lazy to make a review bout them. But, I am super determined now after visiting my friend's blog, She's a bibliophile of course and she is so committed in reviewing the books she has read. Click here to check her out. You'll be amaze :)

Now let us start with my book review shall we ?

I've read the last three book of Percy Jackson which are : The Titan's Curse, The Battle of The Labyrinth and The Last Olympian. I'm not going to review in detail for each book of course. That's going to take days- or months for lazy girl like me.

Rick Riordan is really good in writing, expressing and adding some twist in these Greek myths- I can't argue that. His works make me wanting to know more about it, so I will always try to indulge myself with story and keep flipping the pages forward. Of course as I am Muslim, I refused to believe it but it's fun and eye-opening when you know more about other's culture and beliefs- even if it is claimed to be just a myth. I never restricted myself from exploring that. Another thing about these series is how it is written to make me think. Idk about other readers but whenever Percy had a dream or when their Gods predicted something, I always wanted to relate it with what has happened and what might happen. When I felt like I am missing some important part I will look back and search them just so that I could come out with something you know ? That's how good Riordan is.

For your information I don't read the first two books because well I thought I've watched the movie so why buy them ? yeah lame. I'm trying to save my budget tho.

I cannot relate much with the characters tho because well, I never been in a real battle to save the world before. So yeah. But, I really adore how Percy, Annabeth and Grover stay together in any circumstances. They never mistrust or back on each other even though Annabeth and Percy seems to have a few misunderstanding and arguments. To be honest, I am sometime mad at Annabeth because of her pride and how she always believe that there is still good in Luke.


In The Titan's Curse, Thalia, Percy, Annabeth and Grover saved two other demigods at a like Army Academy- Nico and Bianca Di Angelo. Of course both of them don't even know their parents plus they don't even know there are demigods. After a bit of running and slaying the monsters they saved them with the help of The Hunters which was never mentioned in the first two books. They are Artemis's lady or something like that and they are very good at hunting monsters PLUS the girls are all immortal which not mean the wouldn't die but they will stay young for thousands of years. The head group I could say, have lived for about 2000 years. However, the demigods and The Hunters don't go along pretty well especially with Thalia tho. As I read it further, I discovered that once The Hunters had invited her to become one of them but she refused. But in the end, Thalia became one of them eventually in order to save Olympus (something about the prophecy) and to accepts Artemis reward for her. I am pretty positive with her choice. Even if at first I hate the leader because of her so called strictness and ' No boys' attitude, I then discovered there are reasons behind that. She was abandoned by her family because of her love towards Hercules and the end Hercules throw away all his promises to her. She was so alone before The Hunters found her. I am happy also that in the end, before she died in the battle, she expressed that Percy was nothing like Hercules- Percy was honest and keep his words.

Now, as for Nico and Bianca, it was a little hazy at first and I was not paying much attention to them too. However then it started to get exciting. Bianca accept the invitation to become one of The Hunters because she wanted to let go of her responsibilities toward this world and also towards Nico which is pretty mean I must say. Nico was mad too because Nico has no one else beside her. On the quest, Bianca followed the trip of 5- 3 demigods ( Thalia, Annabeth and Percy) and 2 Hunters ( the leader and Bianca). Nico made Percy promised to take care of Bianca but well the prophecy won. Bianca died in the battle. I cried because her last words was about how she loves Nico so much and she is sorry for all that happen. Nico was in rage when he knew about this. He lose trust on Percy and tried to attack Percy and Annabeth before running away from the campus. That was the moment when Percy and Annabeth realised that Nico and Bianca were the children of Hades, god of death because he summoned the dead accidentally of course. I was astonished also but there was no further explanation as the story ended here.

As for the next book, it was pretty boring because the quest is about walking through a tunnel which is the tunnel of Labyrinth. But this only happened in the first half of the book tho. After that it has gotten more exciting. This time it is Annabeth's quest and also this is the time for Grover to shine. While Annabeth and Percy tried to save the world from Kronos invasion, Grover searched for Pan which was his live long dream. I felt so glad for Grover bravery until he could find Pan but the saddest part is Pan was dying when they met him and he eventually died leaving the responsibility to save the nature to Grover. When I reached that point I already knew that when he got back no one would believe him and yes, it's true. I hate when that happen.

The most eye-opening part for me is when Percy keep on dreaming of how Nico is seeking revenge at him by summoning the dead and seek help from them. I know for a boy his age, loosing a family member would be a disaster but I just can't deal with how reckless he was until he endangered his friends' life. In my opinion, he should stay at the camp and learn more about whom he can really trust.

I started to sense that Percy has shown his jealousy towards Luke in these last two books. Before this he just kept it to himself but now he expressed it out to Annabeth. Well, not in that intimate way but during a sudden conversation between both of them. I liked it. but at the same time I also felt that she does not deserve a perfect guy like percy because she is so obsessed with Luke.

The last book is the one I have been waiting for and I am not dissapointed at all ! You will find out that this book is mostly about the BIG WAR. Greeks Vs Titans (that's what I understand). However there are also details in them that will answer most of our questions while reading this series. I was so shocked to find out that the prophecy is not about Percy. He is not exactly the demigod that will either ruin or uphold the Olympus- well of course for me HE IS THE HERO, he helped a lot, since the beginning. But actually Luke is the hero. YES.

Annabeth is true about Luke. Even if he has turned into Kronos, there is still him underneath it. and when Annabeth begged to Luke to remember his promise to her, Luke started to get control of his body and he took the knife given by him to Annabeth and killed himself. Before he died, he confessed that he loves her but then she said that she loves him as her brother. Good.

Well if you asked me, I am not sad at all when Luke dies like that because I still don't believe in him. I mean he's the bad guy right ? But oh well maybe I am to obsessed with Percy haha.


Thank you for reading and tell me about you opinion too okay ? :D

Wednesday 12 August 2015

My experience with cat having Hernia

Assalamualaikum, hello :)

Again, i failed on  being 100% committed in updating this blog. A big sigh.

Today I thought of sharing with you my experience dealing with my cat that just had her Hernia surgery about 2 weeks ago. She's currently 6 months old. In layman's term Hernia is a condition where the inner lining of the skin cannot reform or heal itself like the outermost layer did. Well of course there is a scientific meaning and explanation behind this but this is what I think I need to understand about Hernia. 

The symptom of hernia also varies according to the seriousness level. As for my cat, it's just an ordinary one which most of cats have it. For example, a queen could have it after giving birth. The history behind my cat's hernia started when she got a big cut at her abdominal part. Well we are glad that my parents are Pharmacist so they quickly treat the wound. My mom wiped some Iodine at the wounded part and gave her pain killer. Well we all know that most medicines are tested on animal first right ? So yeah the prescription for animals is written in the patient information leaflet- it is not written clearly FOR ANIMAL USE of course but the dosages according to weight are there tho. So, after the wound closed up we thought, well it's okay now despite the fact that there is a kind of bump at that healed wound.

During her first check up, the vet diagnosed that the bumpy thing is a Hernia condition. She explained that we could either let it be like that or treated it by means of surgery because it's not too serious but if it is not treated, we might not know what will happen especially when we are not there to look after her. The vet also said that if the Hernia is not treated, it may cause problem when she's in labor someday. So me and my mom planned to have a surgery. It's not an easy decision tho because the most important part is not the surgery process but the post-surgery treatment. So we made sure that our schedule for 2 weeks after the surgery is free. 

Now lets get to the process shall we ?

First thing first, you must not let your pet eat or drink for about 12 hours- this is like fasting for a night. The reason is because, the vet will inject your pet with some kind of sedation so that she'll be sleeping during the surgery. However, if the stomach is full, your pet will start to throw the stuffs out and the sedation will not effect on it immediately. But it's okay tho nothing serious here.This happened to Bella tho because we still give her drink. Idk I think the officer did not explain well to us. 

After the surgery which barely took us 30 minutes, your pet will still be sleeping for about 2 hours-well at least Bella slept for another 2 hours. Idk maybe could be shorter or longer than that. BUT the most IMPORTANT thing is you MUST ALWAYS BE BESIDE YOUR PET. Don't think that " ohh she is sleeping, she's fine". NO. You don't know what might happen. Check on their paws, ears, breathing motion. We kept Bella in a cosy cage full with soft cloths and make sure that no fans are on high speed for about 3 days. Cold or windy situation could make them feel more pain. Well logically, when we as humans are feeling sick, we usually kept ourselves in our blanket right ? and yet we still shivered. So, that's quite same with others mammals- I guess.

You really need to make sure you follow the medication prescribed by your vet. BUT make sure you confirm again the dosage given so that it is tally with your pet's weight or other details. I stressed on this because the vet assistant in my place gave us the wrong antibiotic dose.Praise to Allah my mom could detect it so she read the leaflet again. Please note that if pets that are like quite fragile are overdosed with antibiotic it is FATAL. 

Usually your cat will not have the appetite for the first day after surgery but Bella is not like that. She ate after she woke up but of course she looked really weak. I am so stressed out just looking her like that. So my advice is that give some delicious and fresh food to your cat. Something with strong smell. As for Bella we bought her snake head fish at the market and steamed them. In my country, this fish is really famous in healing people after their surgery. So go and give them a TRY :D Of course it is quite expensive than canned food but hey ? it's for our family right ?

If the stitches are somewhere that your cat could lick please ensure that you bought Elizabethan Collar/E-Collar. Licking will make the stitches take a long time too heal. Trust me, this happened to Bella. The interesting part is, you could actually make your own E-Collar !! How wonderful is that ?? No money wasted and it will work just the same. Alhamdulillah my mom had this idea. Well actually the pet store at our place had no stock so yeah we gotta find the alternatives right ? Oh ya we made it using manilla card paper or we could say it is like a harder type of paper but not too hard okay ? The cons is that you need to change it regularly because it will get bitten or torn apart by your cat. 

Next, please make sure that your cat are caged or kept in a safe place until the end of the medication and until the stitches dry and fall down. You could touch it to check but make sure your hands are clean :) Don't let your cat go outside by that time okay ? I did it to Bella and yup the healing process was longer that it's supposed to be. 

My last advice- ALWAYS check on your cat ear temperature. Too warm or too cold is not quite good. Usually after giving the antibiotic, the temperature will lowered down a bit so don't worry. Just make sure it's not too much okay ? be there for your cat ALWAYS for the first 3 days at least.

Well, i think that's it :) I really hoped that this will help at least any one of you. If you have any questions comment down below.

Remember: Our cats are a part of our family too.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

A Memorial

Spots, we will meet again in Heaven okay boy ?

Missing him so bad

Used to be duos

This couch will never be the same without you dearie

I'm going to share one of the sad moment in my life. Didn't ask you guys to feel it with me but just be still and stay with me for a while :)

My family never had like a real cat house before. Well, my parents did take care of some queens with babies along the way but this is only because they came in to our house to seek shelter. After the babies reached certain ages, my parents will let them go. Usually at the wet market where the amount of foods are more than enough. So, we don't really have the experience on how to REALLY keep a cat or kitten from diseases or other kind of accidents. 

This year, on the month of February, a kitten ran into my parents pharmacy. The kitten has no friends or even a mother. At that moment, he is so small- about 2 months i guess. My little brother found him hiding under the counter desk so he took him. Since that wonderful day, we named him Spots (he got black patch like spots on his body) I think because he has no mother or friends to accompany him in the outside world so we made him our first official house cat. My little brother was so happy and we never could love him less.

However my mom had a thought on having a female cat to be friend with Spots. and then.. a miracle happened. About a month after my mom found Spots- at a Seafood Restaurant across our pharmacy, my mom found a wounded kitten lying helplessly. Of course, my mom took the kitten home and treat her. She is about a month old that time. Alhamdulillah she is fine and healthy since that day. My mom let her stay with us and play with Spots. We named her Bella :) At first Spots and Bella never could stay close without arguing but after two months staying together, they got really close. I mean, really really close.

We left them for 11 days for our Umrah. My father's staffs came everyday to feed them Alhamdulillah. We prayed hard to Allah so that they will be as fit as how we leave them. Our hearts leaped with excitement when we saw them waiting there for us at the door. I could cry in happiness. All went well you know :)

But then, Allah's plan is beyond our imagination. He knows the best, i know that. Well, this is the hardest part. 

The first day of  Ramadhan- 18 Jun 2015, Spots has left us to a better place. This broke our hearts so bad especially my mom's. Spots was a very special cat. I don't know how to describe it but yes, he is different than any other cats. We have great memories with him. It's hard for us. Up until now we still feel it. It's like a stab in the heart. We buried him at our yard, where he used to play around with Bella. It was even more sad seeing Bella alone searching for her long lost friend. Honestly, this could be a big love story. In the end tho, I guess she had figured out that her friend has gone to heaven :')

No matter what happen we will always remember you, dear one.

Friday 3 July 2015

Umrah Experience

Assalamualaikum, hello everybody.

It's already July now and Ramadhan has come too. Today is the 16th of Ramadhan if i'm not mistaken. The full moon shone so brightly for the past two days. I am also on my 3 months of summer holiday which means I am at HOME !

I'm going to share with you guys my Umrah experience :) Alhamdulillah, my family and I went to Saudi Arabia on 30th of May until 10th of Jun. Tabung Haji Malaysia is our travel agency. Tabung Haji is like the main umrah, haji and travel agency in Malaysia but there are others agencies also.

Tabung Haji has lots of umrah packages. This package is one of the best I guess because the hotels booked for the hujjaj at both Madinah and Makkah are just beside the mosque. It barely took 5 minutes to reach the mosque gate. But still it is quite a long way in because Masjidil Haram and the Prophet Mosque ( Masjidil Nabawi ) are very big ! You could get lost if you forget which door you came in through. The number of doors are uncountable. No words could describe how magnificent both of them are. I am speechless to be frank. Allah always protect this two holy lands and I am feeling blessed to get to see them :)

After we reached Jeddah Airport on the first day, we ride a bus to Madinah. It is a 6 hours journey.They are about 30 of us if i'm not mistaken. We stayed at Anwar-Movenpick Hotel there for about 3 days. Masjidil Nabawi is just next to it and it's surely a waste if you don't go to there for the 5 times prayer. Of course the bonus is that your pahala will be multiplied by thousand :D Who don't want that huh ? Plus, the interior and exterior design of it is so breathtaking I must say. Could not get my eyes of it. A must area to visit and do our prayers and duas are at Rawdah. I don't really now how to describe it but this is the actual site of Masjidil Nabawi that was build by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Next to this is the Prophet Muhammad tomb and also both Usman and Umar tombs. It touched my heart thinking how close I am to the most greatest man on Earth. On the next 2 days we went to some tour around the land. We visited a few historical places around Madinah such as the Quba' Mosque and also went to the market to buy some dates ( it's a must if you visit there ). The main type of date that most people are eager to buy is Ajwa dates. Ajwa date is said to be the Prophet Muhammad SAW favourite type of date :D The taste is supper yummy too you know.

We spent our whole next 7 days in Makkah :D We stayed in a hotel named Swissotel which is situated in the Makkah Tower which is opposite to the Baitullah ( so feeling blessed ). We arrived from Madinah at about 10 p.m. After having some dinner at the hotel we prepared ourselves for performing umrah. Alhamdulillah me and my family finished our umrah at about 2.30 a.m. During this season which is like a summer season in Saudi Arabia, the hujjaj usually choose to perform umrah at night because it's not too hot of course. I'm not going to share the steps and some do's and don't in umrah because there are a lot of sites and books that are more precise and detailed. You guys should go and check em out :) 7 days sure look like a long period of time but to be honest, it's not enough :') I really want to stay there as long as I could. I mean, who doesn't want that ? That land is so tranquil until you could forget all the stuffs that bugs you. We also visited some historical places there ( a lot tbh ). But what I could not forget is Jabal Thur and Jabal Uhud. I love the story behind these historical places. Go and search for it, you will be touched InsyaaAllah :)

Here are some pictures of me and my family in Madinah and Makkah :D

Al- Masjidil Al- Munawarah : The big umbrellas will open up when it's too hot or raining.

The tomb of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is just under the green dome there if
you guys could see it.

Jabal Thur, Makkah

Jabal Rahmah, Makkah

Interior of Masjidil Nabawi

Saturday 25 April 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello people ( still who reads my posts actually ?? ) haha 

I have been away quite long huh ? been busy with tests, courseworks and some lab works. I am so glad all is done because we only have a week before our study week and then our FINAL EXAM !! How time flies huh ? Our last Organic Chemistry test was on this morning and like usual the result is already up now in moodle page ( our uni academic web or whtvr they call it ) 

and.............. Alhamdulillah I did well :D I actually beamed when I saw my result just now. This module is like very very very IMPORTANT for me to further in MPharm for my degree year ( I have mentioned this before ) So yeah I am so grateful to Allah.

Even though I have been suffering from chicken pox since this Monday, Allah still let me have the strength to present myself for the test :) Thank you Allah. Oh ya YES I HAVE CHICKEN POX.

Shocking actually because I never thought of it at first but then I remembered that I could get it because the last 2 weeks I went back home and my brother who's staying at boarding school came home because he got chicken pox. So yeah I think I get infected from him.

But in my case it is SO SAD because I am so far away from home. I can't go home because of the chemistry test today. But I am so feeling blessed because my mom came and accompany me here in my campus xoxo She's gonna come again tomorrow YEAA. My dad and little brother can't come :( but I know it's for the best anyway.

I am sharing a bit about my experience with this chicken pox thingy okay ? 

Starting on Sunday night I have a very high fever especially during the night. Then on Tuesday morning I started to see red spots that have a liquid in it so I quickly called my parents. They told me to go to the health care a.k.a clinic in my campus to take Acyclovir ( they are both pharmacist so yeah I am grateful for that) I was so dumb actually for not bringing it back here when my mom told me to because I was so ignorant and thought that I am too superior to get this disease. ughh me and my dumbness.

So I went to the clinic and the doctor prescribed me with Acyclovir. If you guys are wondering, it is an anti-virus. Basically it kills or like weakened the virus. Traditionally people in my country don't take this because they believe in letting all the spots bursting by themselves without being disturbed. Actually either way works just fine because in the end your body will produce immunisation for this disease :)

I had high fever until Wednesday I think. After seeing my mom I felt so heavenly and suddenly I get better. ( cliche huh ) My mom helped me to put on Calamine lotion all over my body. ughh the spots are CRAZY. They are everywhere. After applying it my whole body felt so relax and less itchy.

NOTE : Calamine lotion is a MUST in this situation. MARK my word people. 

As for what I ate, I don't really eat much ( felt like i don't eat at all ) because the spots are all over my mouth too so it is very painful to even munch anything so I just drink full nutrition powdered milk and some Gardenia bread. I HATE MYSELF FOR THIS.

But, now I am fine ( except the fact that it is still painful to eat ) and I am just waiting for the spots to dry up and flake off.

What I have learnt:

I don't have that super flawless skin but there are rarely any acne. I mean, I don't have acne problem skin. It's quite smooth actually despite some blemishes. So as some of you may know, this chicken pox will go all over your face so I WAS SO FREAKED OUT. I almost cried...... ughh me... I am so shocked seeing my face like that when I woke up that morning. It was like a minute ago my face was fine and then this happen. 

Then suddenly I lost my appetite. Every time I try to chew something my gums get irritated. I felt so weak-laying on my bed like I am so weak. I need food. REAL FOOD. But even if i have any food I just don't dare to eat them. It hurts so BAD.

Because these two are like the body parts that I love the most so these situations make me ponder. This life is not ours. This life is temporary. This life is not perfect. This life we are living right now is dunya. and dunya is Allah's, not ours. Allah has every right to take it back from us. Don't be so sure that you will walk just fine on His land because of your ego.

Actually I am grateful because Allah reminds me of this. I must be- because as my mom said " Some people out there are being tested by Allah tougher that you are facing right now. Be thankful " 

Yes I am thankful. 

Thank you Allah for everything :)

People, in whatever state or feelings you are now I hope you guys stay strong and always remember Allah. The thought of Him will calm our heart InsyaaAllah.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Build your confidence

Hello there dearies,

If you still remember, my actual purpose on doing this blogging stuff is because I wanted to help some of you out there by sharing my experiences and thoughts, So today's post is all about that InsyaaAllah.

Umbrella ?

Scorching sun ?

Conclusion ?

Before that, ask yourself this question:

Do you ever be in a situation where you are walking under a hot sun and you have an umbrella with you ? You felt so uncomfortable because it's SO HOT and you started to feel dizzy. Would you use that umbrella even though some of people around you didn't ?

My answer is OF COURSE !

I know some of you will feel ashamed when people see you holding up an umbrella even if it is not raining but heyh ! the sun nowadays ( in Malaysia especially ) is scorching hot ! Based on my experience, I will always get headache when I walked through a hot sun like that-without any shades. That's why I always bring my small umbrella with me.

To be frank, I don't care what other say because I'm doing a right thing- I am protecting myself. Honestly, I am not protecting my skin- I am protecting my health especially the head part. My mom always advice me to be careful with the weather nowadays. It's unpredictable. Some people even got skin cancer or heat stroke with this kind of weather here in Malaysia.

So, do any of you do the same thing as me ?? *hands up*

No matter what your motif is- whether to protect your skin or to prevent dizziness- JUST DO IT ! Other people didn't do this maybe because they are lazy to bring umbrella or the weather just don't have any negative effects on them.

Don't be intimidated. You are not doing a wrong thing right ?

If someone teases you, explain to them about the weather and also about your concern on your health. Good friend will understand and respect you :)

Saturday 28 March 2015

UNMC Earth Hour

Assalamualaikum dear readers,

I am getting to strongly feel that nobody on earth read my recent post. haha it's okay i'm still posting anyway.

Last night, me and my lovely housemate, Rini went to our campus Earth Hour. YEA !! At last I got the chance to go because last year I am too LAZY to go ! The event start at 6 p.m. but we only went for the main part of it which was the candlelight walk (something like the picture up there). Basically at 8.30 p.m. all the power was shut down and we have to walk around the campus with that candlelight. OKAY me and Rini do a little bit of cheating and go back to our hall. hoho. Who wants to walk that long huh ??

Oh ya an I LOVE the Polaroid picture we took at the booth there. SO PRETTY. I wish I had one of that camera tho because it's not that expensive anyway. haih InsyaaAllah i'll buy it if i'm not that lazy ;D

I really enjoyed my night yesterday haha because it's so not easy to meet that girl even tho we are housemate. SHE IS SUPER BUSY ! So Alhamdulillah at least I could have some memories with her haha.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Excitement flowing in veins

Hello there dear readers,


Even though I am a bit down yesterday but then Allah always send me something to cheer me up either through the events happening or through my friends :) Alhamdulillah.


tadaaaa !! haha maybe some of you said that " whuutt ? it's just a ball "

But not for me. I LOVE DINNER + BALL + PROMS

NOT NOT NOT because I could have a romantic night with my boyfriend ( I don't even need and want one )

I wanted to REDO what I should have done before in my ermm high school dinner back 2 years ago. YUP I MESSED UP.

I'm not sharing about that but all I could say is for this ball i'm gonna shine in a beautiful yet simple ways. InsyaaAllah. I'm not talking about winning the Queen awards or anything but it's just that I wanted to feel great and pleased with myself.


I wanted to enjoy the night with my lovely friends that help me a lot through out this hectic foundation life. I owe them too much.

I gotta admit that I have been thinking about this ALL NIGHT. I am going back home next weekend so hopefully I could buy the dress in that short period. One of my friend has already bought hers hahaha. My excitement is contagious :D

Okay then, till we meet again. InsyaaAllah I will be posting my preparation to the ball hahaa don't judge me I have a bit of 'beauty-guru' sense in me ;)

Wednesday 18 March 2015

IELTS exam experience :)

Assalamualaikum and good afternoon readers ( i really hope there is someone out there reading my post haha because if not i'll just be syok sendiri )

Again, i failed in keeping track on my post. It is not 100% busy actually but it is more to laziness. ugghh i don't know why. Computer rooms are all over this campus but still i cannot find a single time to write anything. Hate myself right now.

While i'm gone here, lots of excitement and disappointment happened. Well Alhamdulillah the good news out powered the bad ones. First thing first, my last semester result was exemplary Alhamdulillah and i am feeling so grateful to Allah. I've gone half mad waiting for the result because if I failed in meeting the requirements for pursuing my degree in Pharmacy then there is no point for me staying here. I REALLT WANTED TO BE A PHARMACIST. fiuuhhh that was great. So now i only got less than 3 months for this last semester to do my best InsyaaAllah.

The next happy news is that I PASSES MY IELTS EXAM too !!! Alhamdulillah. HONESTLY i an very very GRATEFUL ! i don't know how to express it but only Allah knows how nervous I am about this and He gave me what I prayed :) See people ? Pray to Allah. There's never a NO in answering our prayers. Allah will either grant it immediately, later or He has something better than that. I am very glad about this because this means that during the summer break I don't have to worry about repeating the exam and my family has planned to go to Mekah for Umrah InsyaaAllah. I am longing to go there since the past 2 years. My dad, mom and both of my brothers have been there. So yeah I am the only person in the family who still never been to the Holy Land. But this year InsyaaAllah my prayer will be granted.

So, as I have been through the anxiousness and haste of taking IELTS, i wanted to share it with you guys. Hopefully this will be useful for those who are preparing for their exam.

I took the same exam date with 3 of my friends. We need to get minimum 6.5 for overall mark and 6.0 for each of the sections. We took it under British Council Malaysia. The exam venue was at Kuala Lumpur ( the middle of KL so you could imagine how the traffic is. Gladly we used public transport) Me and my friend Ain need to stay at Park Royal Hotel KL for that Friday night to avoid rush in the Saturday exam morning.

We were told to be there by 8 a.m. for the briefing session. The facilitator told us about some mandatory identification steps and where to put our stuffs. British Council provides a very good service i must say. They will take care of your belongings even though in the email they prefer us to not to bring any belongings except your ID. Next at the identification station ( sounds weird haha ) you will have to scan your index finger and take a passport picture ( this picture will be on your result transcript ). Then, we went inside the hall and wait for everyone to settle down so the exact time we started the exam was on 9 a.m.

Oh ya you cannot even bring your own stationaries for the exam. Everything will be given. ( cool huh ?) You will be given a pencil and a rubber. Don't worry if you have any problems or need a new one you could just raise your hand and ask them. The first paper is Listening continued by Reading and the last one is Writing. For Speaking test, it will be on other day or on the same day but at different time.

My advice :)

  • For Listening test ( app 30 mins ) you must be super focus on the recordings. Before beginning they will do some testings on the volume. So be alert and raise your hand if you have problem with the volume. MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE. As for the preparation, even though this might sounds easy but trust me you need a lot of practice on this too. Learn how to grasp the main idea and important words in the conversation. Buy or borrow ielts books with CD in them okay ?
  • Reading ( 1 hour ) is quite relaxing for me. But, questions drilling are very important. The articles are not some middle school ones. They are usually more sophisticated. Learn to skim the text and scan the answer. Don't waste your time on understanding 100% what the article was about. Again, just grasp the main idea. Understand the questions are a MUST.
  • As for writing ( 1 hour ) I can't really say much because i got only 6.0 haha. But, what i could say is you need to practice a lot of essay questions. This is academic writing so learn to be straight to the point and try to think critically. Usually the question wants you to show how well you could support your arguments.
After about two and a half hours cracking our heads, we went back to our hotel rooms and check out at noon. Then we went to British Council Wisma at Jalan Dredging because that's where we took our speaking test. My speaking test was at 3 p.m. so after the Zuhr prayer I straightly went to the waiting room. 

  • I just got 6.0 also so yeah I am not sure I have a brilliant tips for you guys. A month before or even early than that, brush up your verbal English. In ielts they will examine your grammar, pronunciation, coherence, fluency and some others that i could not remember haha. The examiner won't buy if you talk nonsense and have bad coherence in your sentences. ONE thing that i could advice is that ALWAYS BE CONFIDENT while you were talking. Make eye contact with her/him. Maybe this is not graded but heyh the examiners are human right ? Somehow they will feel our positive aura and who knows they will eventually like us. HAHAHAH.
There, DONE.

I really hope some of you or just one of you could find this helpful.

Tuesday 3 February 2015


Assalamualaikum dear readers,

I am back on campus after 3 weeks of holiday. Huh. But today Malaysia is on holiday. It's Thaipusam :) and tomorrow I got no class !! YEAY FOR ME. haha.

Well I don't know how many of you people read my blog but I still wanna share something :) Rite know I am still busy even though it is just the start of Spring Semester. YEPP i have another exam. IELTS. ugghhh why oh why they let out that new requirement ! Previously students that want to pursue their degree in MPharm don't have to take IELTS before entering the program. They only have to take it before going to continue their two final years in Nottingham UK Campus. But NOW ! We have to take this exam and must get Band 6.5 and above. I don't know how to react on this. So, right now I am doing some of past year's paper. The Reading and Listening sections are quite easy but the Speaking and Writing part is a major problem. well not so major but I still doubtful about it. I mean I am afraid I cannot answer their questions because of lack of general knowledge and narrow vocabulary. I am not that bad in English but I'm not that magnificence either. I still have some flaws in my writings. But gratefully my grammar is not something to worry about. Alhamdulillah.

Another thing that bugs my mind is my last semester's result. It will come out on 6th of February. I am more to anxious that worried actually. I don't know why I feel that way. I have done all my best. seriously. I could feel that I did better than the first semester. But I am still afraid of the result. I thin this is maybe because I REALLY REALLY need to score in order to get into the MPharm program. I know Allah will give the right path for me. and I also know that He knows how hard I have worked. But still my head won't stop rhyming the words that make me nervous. (( haha I am blaming my head )) I need to let it go right ? I mean I need to trust in Allah. and when I trust in Allah, I need to let go of my wariness.

And I am so sorry I have not make any reviews on what I've read last months. I have managed to finished 4 books. and right now I am reading the fifth book but well it'll be a slow read because I got an exam to catch up with. Maybe after IELTS I will continue with my reading challenge.

To those who read this please pray for me :)

Saturday 3 January 2015

Syukur an Jazilan 🌹

Salam Maulidur Rasul everyone :)

Ya Rasulullah, you are a great idol, a perfect one and I hope I could follow your steps. Please accept me as your ummah ya Rasulullah :')