Wednesday 31 December 2014

End of the chapter :)

Olla everyone :) so there's like another 30 minutes to the road of 2015 !!! YES BABY WE HAVE MADE THROUGH THIS ALIVE haha. 

Alhamdulillah I am happy for the changes i've been through in 2014 :) Idk how to express this feeling but frankly speaking I feel like i am born again. I AM FRESH ! I call this as Allah's talbiah on me. If you're a Muslim you might know what this is right ? It is something that brings good changes in yourselves- changes that will be blessed by Allah. InsyaaAllah :) 

I think this started when I realized that there's no help greater than Allah's. I started to let go some useless attachments in dunya. I started to understand more about our reaponsibility as Muslims- our purpose of life :D

Now, I am trying to open my heart more so that I'll be a better person :)

2015 Reading Challenge

It's midnight, i know haih. I just finished my Maths revision plus i'm hungry so I couldn't sleep. Sad life. 

But well, today's post made my midnight ( definitely cannot be use in exam πŸ˜… ).
The attached image is actually a 2015 reading challenge YEAAAA i am so excited about this. I saw it on kak shahirah's ig- bookloves_ You all should go and check on he ig because she posted all on novels waauuu !!! I am planning to do that on my ig but i need to be committed first hoho. 

So i hope all of the check-lists are ticked by the end of 2015. 

But the sad thing is i have to wait till i've finished my final exam which will be ended on 12.1. Wish me for the best everyone ❤️

Monday 29 December 2014

DIY Bookmarks <3

Assalamualaikum :D

I'm posting about DIY bookmarks I've made since this couple of days. YEAAHH !! hehe. Tbh i've been longing to do some crafty stuff since FOREVER ! but well with exams and all that I gotta postponed it. Sigh. I am glad I took Visual Arts in my SPM last year- at least i could enjoy studyingπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

These are the bookmarks :) 

I hope i could make a tutorial if it someday ☺️

Saturday 27 December 2014

Book review #2- The Boleyn Inheritance

Good evening everyone. I am at Delifrance Cafe rn- in Aeon Mall of course. I come here like almost everyday haha.  Humm. Alhamdulillah today i could see the sun again after about a week of down pour. I hope Allah eases people living in Pantai Timur and other places that's flooding right now. Flood never occur at my place so yeah idk how the feels right now but by looking at the level of water and their situation, i know they are having a tough times. Let's pray for them :)

Okay so this post is about my second book review: The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory- it's the sequel for The Other Boleyn Girl( now a major movie )

Well frankly speaking this novel is perfect for history lovers. I am one of them of course 😁 Idk why but i have this special fondness on historical story moreover when it's mixed with some fictional characteristics in it ❤️ 

So basically this novel is about the ruling of cruel King Henry vll in 15th century. He executed 4 of his wives- if I remembered it right hehe. During that time the King was said to be the God on Earth so no matter what he did, people will just follow. I think that's so stupid but maybe back then they got no choice. So yeah. The King only reason to get married was to have heiress for his throne. So every Queen need to give him son/sons. If not, he will be so displeased and that Queen might be executed. But he will manipulate the situation first of course.  

This novels shows how frightening to be the Queen of England during that century. Being the Queen if England means you put your head on the chopping block. But ladies that time had no choice. They got to give their everything if the King want them. So every Queen struggled to be alive. In this novel,the Queen- Katherine slept with her secret lover to be pregnant. But of course like most of the story the secret unleashed at last and she was sent to the Tower - waiting to be executed. 

Horrible isn't it ? 

Hah !! I don't want to spoil everything so you gotta go and buy that novel to know the details. Trust me, it's worth your money. 

One tip. Go and search for The Other Boleyn Girl movie streaming online. After you watched it you'll be thrilled to know deeper. 

Monday 22 December 2014

#1 Book Haul

Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone. 

This is my first book haul yeaaa :D So yeah i bought all of them at Big Bad Wolf book sale. I am so glad i could make it Alhamdulillah. But i'm not fully satisfied because some of my favourite books were not there. I think it's already finished or they don't unpack and display the books yet which are Nicholas Sparks' novels and The Other Boleyn Girl written by Philippa Gregory ( a historical story but with a beautiful yet vicious romance in it ). But i bought the sequel tho- The Boleyn Inheritance. 

I've read 2 of the 13 books i bought- Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship if The Ring and The Boleyn Inheritance. in my next post i'll post a review about The Boleyn Inheritance. InsyaaAllah. I'm not going to do it on LOTR tho as most of you must have watch the movie. Right ? :) What i could say is that that novel was so great !! I'm looking forward to read the second part. 

I am on my study week now so yeah i'm at Taiping- my home town :) I love it here. There's Aeon that just opened about one month. I went there almost everyday despite the fact that i need to study for my final πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but Alhamdulillah I actually did started my revision a week a go. 
Eventhough it's a study break but my usrah group is still active via Whatsapp and also Skype. Alhamdulillah. We did a group call on Skype last Thursday  night. Idk bout you guys but it feels different ( a blissful one ) when you actually use these saocial medias in the right path. Tbh i never use them for good things like this before. I started it tgis year after i've joined my usrah group. I guessed that's Allah's talbiah for me InsyaaAllah. And I hoped that i'll istiqamah :) 

Okay that's all. Wait for my book review on next post yaahhπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š

Friday 5 December 2014

Disturbing my head

Assalamualaikum and good evening people :)

I am so excited about going to Big Bad Wolf tomorrow. I love reading. I love novels. I love BOOKS in general. I just love the knowledge that I could grab by just reading them. Learning about other cultures, way of living and also their perspective of life. It just make me feel very grateful of having this life. Because for me I enjoy reading stories about family, friends and relationships between people so I got to see how well or how sad some life are.

But something is bothering me tonight. I don't know how to express thing feeling. Maybe this is just some hormonal imbalance thingy but still I got distracted about this.

I don't think that it's wrong to read books/novels isn't it ? It's how I expand my knowledge about people and it also open my mind for something new so that I won't be narrow minded people that think they are the only one living in this world. I believe that it's very important to let our knowledge grows. I might not be able to travel around the globe to grab all this experiences so the least I could do is read their stories.

Ughh idk know why this is bugging me so much. Maybe because of someone saying something ( I don't blame them ) but yeaahh I am feeling a little bit depressed. I hope that tomorrow will be a happy day for me. I've been waiting for so long you know. Allah has granted my prayers. He knows how bad I wanted to go there. InsyaaAllah I will be there by 10.30 morning at MIECC tomorrow.

Just one last thing.

Allah always hear your prayers but it's just the matter of time honey. He will grant your wish if it's good for you but if it's not He will replaced it with something much more better. InsyaaAllah.

Thursday 4 December 2014

On my way!

OEMMGEEE !! It's tomorrow babe it's tomorrow. I have been waiting for so long and couldn't be more excited than this. But well obviously i got class tomorrow so sadly saying I have to go in Saturday. Oh my i could imagine already how packed it will be. I hope I can find my way through out those 3 millions of books :D 

I went to BBW book sale last year with my mom, at the same place and same month of the year. It was awesome guys. I just love the way I was surrounded by millions of treasures. 

Oh ya I will be going with my bestie- Shafika πŸ’•πŸ’• 

I really hope that everything will went out well :)

Okay bye I will be getting my marks for Maths Test 😱😱

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Book Review #1

Yeaaa my first book review !!! 

I am in class again :D class study skills for science pulak ni πŸ˜‡ I borrowed this book last week i think together with Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I have finished this book so now I am trying to finish LOTR despite having physical chemistry test next week. A BIG SIGH. 

Basically this novel is about letting go of someone. Oh and this is not a teenagers kind of love story but middle aged people. So. There's this woman who could not let go of the fact that she has been dumped after 3 yrs ( i think ) by a widow with a son. 

The lunatic part and the most rediculous part is that she stalked him. Not just stalking like scrolling his twitter, facebook or any other social medias but this is a kind of SCARY STALKING. She followed him to his house, waited there and watched him going on dates. 

That man new girlfriend was also been stalked for God sake it seems stupid for me 😭😭 His new girl is a hypnotist so she had a home office. So this crazy woman pretended to be one of the patient in ordet to become the hypnotist's friend. Duh so desperate haih. 

DONE. Haha i am not going to be a spoiler daa. There'll be BIG BAD WOLF book sale starting on 5 december at MIECC, Serdang so if you found this novel, grab it !! It's worth it *wink*

Magnum + Mocking Jay

Goodmorning everyone :D 

Guess what ? I am in class right now but it will start at 9 anyway. I am always one of the early birds when it comes to morning classes haha because i really2 need to find the perfect sit for a perfect view. Well i am a hobbit so yeah. Kalau dduk belakang sgt mmg nampak kepala orang je lah even though it's a theatre hall.  Hah today's morning class is physical chemistry. My most favourite class then it is followed by maths :) 

I am posting today to tell uoollss about my weekend. YEAAA !!! Haha. Me and my friend, afifah went to Mid Valley to watch Mocking Jay and and and - this is the best part - WE WENT THE THE NEW AND THE FIRST MAGNUM CAFE IN MALAYSIA. Applause applause !! Hahahaha lol. 

Mocking Jay was awesome for me, well i know some say that it is kinda boring but maybe because this is my first time watching Hunger Games ( sorry I AM LAME ) so i thought it was fine. I actually cried at that part when they they went to the hospital where the citizens showed their loyalty to mocking jay and to the revolution. 

That picture was taken by me IN THE CINEMA haha. Nak buat kenangan gittew. Haha. Jennifer Lawrence is it ? Well she is beautiful ❤️

Now about the Magnum Cafe. We were in queue for 40 minutes oh yeahh. I won't give up even a bit until i could have it in my mouth. We both chosed to customize our magnum. The price is the same- RM 9.90 🍦🍦 We even had to take taxi to Nottingham because well the bus left us of course. 

My magnum was dipped in dark chocolate, topped with berries, almonds and pistachios and drizzled with white chocolate. It was DELICIOUS. please go everyone please hahaha. K. 

That's all bye. Mr Prem has already entered the class. 

Thursday 20 November 2014

Beautiful :)

Assalamualaikum and good evening ( it's nearly maghrib already )

More than a month without any entry and I am so sorry you guys. I just felt like nobody is going to read my blog anyway :( but then I thought again- I need to fulfil my promise. Because I have my laptop in front of me like for 24/7 but still I felt so malas eh. Haish bad dinie bad dinie.

I can't figure out the title for today but I think basically I'm gonna share what I got from Daurah that I went last week in Putrajaya :) Have no clue about daurah ? Well, it's just like usrah ( which actually means FAMILY ) but it's in a larger group and usually a special guest will give the talk. Before you guys started to think that these are wrong or extreme, it's actually not. Back on the olden days in Mekah, Rasulullah actually did usrah in order to slowly building up the aqidah in Muslims. So yes, we are following what Rasulullah did. Isn't that makes you happy ? I know I am :D

We slept at Masjid Putra, Putrajaya. Ya Allah, it's so BEAUTIFUL !!!! I cannot get my eyes off the dome and the view. Subhanaallah.

The talk was about Shahadatul Haq. Jangan pening-2 sekarang yee hehe. Let me ask you a question, "Do you really think that you're a Muslim ?" Well if yes then "Why do you think so ?" Is it because you said the shahadah ? Humm yes yes all Muslim said the shahadah but do we really know the meaning that lies between the kalimah ? When we say the shahadah, we actually carry a big responsibility on our back- not just towards ourself but to others in this world. Why ? Let see the meaning of our shahadah. ' I witnessed that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah '

In Malay witnessed is saksi right ? Have you ever wonder why Allah used that word instead of just using ' I belief ' or ' I swear ' ? It's because witnessed is a strong word. It means that you are the witness of the truth which is in this case it's Islam. As a witness what are you supposed to do ?

As example, if you are a witness to an accident on the road, what are supposed to do ? Do you just stand there and do nothing ? or you went to the court session and tell the truth ? Now, here I am asking what you are supposed to do not what you wanted to do. Of course you need to tell the truth right ? because you are the witness ! Can you imagine if you lied or did not stand out for the victim ? Then, there will be no justice in the court.

Same implies in our situation. As a Muslim, our responsibility is to speak for the truth. Tell them how great Islam is. Tell them how beautiful Islam is. Tell them how strong you will be with Islam. Tell them with pride that you are a Muslim. Bring them together with you to the right path. Bring them together to the light not to the darkness. Do not keep the truth for yourselves.

But in order to do this, we need to prepare ourself first. As a human, as the creation of Allah we did many wrong deeds, we are sinners. But does this prevent ourself from searching the truth ? No. We need to search for the truth and learn from our mistakes. Take it from me- I did a lot of mistakes in my life that even I myself could not forgive it but hey, Allah itu Maha Pengampun kan ?

So I hope this sharing is meaningful for us. Forgive me if i've said something that made you uneasy okay ? If you have any questions just comment me down below :)

Enjoy your day friends.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

New semester 🌹🌹

Assalamualaikum semua 😊 i am so sorry for not posting in such a long time πŸ˜“ well now i am already in week three of new autumn semester at Notts. Fiuh ~ how time flies huh ? So yeah i am actually preparing myself to sleep but rasa mcm terhutang sesuatu wlpun i don't think ramai people baca my blog but still i wanted to share something that i've promised to share πŸ˜ƒ ni pun post pakai mobile blogger haha. 

Since this is a new semester for i think quite a few of 96's batch so semua mesti lah ada azam kan ? Good. Now, no matter what your azam is please remember that semua mesti niat kerana Allah. Because if our intention is wrong there's a possibility that our dream or our azam will not be fulfilled πŸ™‡ kita pun taknak kan perkata mcm tu terjadi ? So for all students, always betulkan niat each time befor you start with your classes or revision. By doing this, InsyaaAllah we will do better. Ni pun pesanan akak2 usrah that i've joined here at Notts. 

Hah walaupun sibuk study, don't forget you friends and family tau. Without them you might not be able to achieve what you already have now ☺️ Don't be to self-centered until you guys tak fikir perasaan housemates or roomates korng. Bila kita buat baik dengan orang lain InsyaaAllah orang akan doakan kebaikan untuk kita.

Okay that's all for tonight. I got class at 9 tomorrow haha so kena tidur awal.
GOODNIGHT beautifuls πŸ’™πŸ’™

Monday 11 August 2014

Friends ?

Assalamualaikum and good morning readers :)

I just drank my coffee and ate 3 slices of bread. AHH kenyang sudah. This morning I had to go to my primary school just because my little brother left his book. He's in standard 2 by the way. I was responsible because I was supposed to make sure that his timetable is followed correctly. sigh. So, without taking my shower or even brush my teeth ( ya Allah. haha ) I changed my cloth and hopped in the car. Yes, segan sikit but well I'm a big girl right ? and my brother need me so I need there for him. So, as soon as I reached there which is just 3-5 minutes from my house, I asked a help from a prefect girl. Ahh and suddenly the memories rushed into my mind. I went for that school for my entire primary education- 6 years ! How can I not remember the memories ? I remembered my friends which some of them are still my besties ! - Shafika, Khairunnisa, Atikah Husna are the closest actually as both of them still continuing to listen to my stupid stories up until now. Such a good friend :D I remembered my first crush. haha that's a funny story though. I was fragile, immature and quite rebellious at that time. I did LOTS of wrong stuffs especially when I started my standard 4. But, when I flashed them back, I am grateful that I made all the mistakes because if I don't, then I might not be this careful. I got to know a few ' false friends ' and learned their characters so that I would not be like that. Well, TBH I learned a lot of useful skills.

As I have started my topics about friends, why don't I just continue to talk about that ? What do we understand about ' friend ' or ' friendship ' ? For me a friend ( good friend/ best friend ) is a person that should like you for who you are, be fair to you, bring you close to Allah, never betray you and always give you good advice. When we have found that kind of friends, keep them because InsyaaAllah they will bring us to the right path. Along our journey, we might meet with friends that make us feel insecure and the seems trying to get something from us instead of sincerely be friend with us. Instead of hating them, and spreading bad rumors about them, all we need to do is just make a large gap between us and them. Just keep smiling but never show that you are holding your grudge. Keep in mind that Allah wants you to meet them because He wanted you to learn something :) Throughout my school life, I have seen  a few of my school mates that went astray because they followed their friends. Alhamdulillah I am not one of them. But, should we blame them ? They were immature at that time, so do I but I am just lucky that I have the common sense to choose between right or wrong. Maybe they are just trying to find ways to get out from their misery. I felt ashamed of myself because I cannot help them back then. I wished I could be a person that matters to someone but instead I'm just a person that just passing through someone's life without leaving any good memories. Well, now I am trying to be a better friend. Better than what I used to be :) Dear readers, a true friend is not someone that supports us in wasting our life just because we are happy with it, but a true friend is someone that is ready to be scolded and hated by us when they are trying to wake us up from our ' high '. I don't know about you but that's what I feel. I feel this way because I've been through this situation. Now, Alhamdulillah everything is fine. Thank you to Allah for all of the experiences.

That's all for now. Hope you enjoy your reading :D BYE lovelies.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Disney addict

Assalamualaikum and good evening.

Taiping is having a heavy down pour just now. With thunder and lightning :o Alhamdulillah because now I can breath in fresher air. Having a 2 months holiday is so risky. haha because I have a tendency to waste my holiday without I even know it. Right now, my plans for this holls don't really go on a right track yet. I mean, I still didn't start playing my keyboard and continuing my art works. I wish the mood could come faster because I am really wasting my TIME. I don't even finish a NOVEL yet even though it's almost a month I am home. How bad is that ? I am so gonna regret this if I don't work things out. But ! I am excited for our family holiday in Pulau Langkawi ! Langkawi Island is just my family get away place. Since past 4 years we keep going there every year, I just love it. Plus, we are staying at Meritus Beach Resort and Spa. The service is almost PERFECT I can tell. We stayed there last year and I just don't wanna go home. Boleh bajet2 ala princess bila duduk sana. hahahaha. Oh ya, its at Chenang Beach anyway. Please go there because it is the merriest place in Langkawi especially for tourists ( setakat yang saya tahu lah ) hehe.

Okay I'm gonna stop babbling and start with my real story for today. DISNEY. haha yes I am a Disney addict but I am truly happy with that fact. Sometimes we forget about our childhood-we forget how pure and sincere we are- we forget how we always obey our parents and the worst is we forget who we truly are. I don't know about others but Disney conquer half of my childhood. I have started enjoying Disney Channel when I am 6 years old I think as that's that's the first time my parents subscribe for Astro :) I can still remember Bananas in pajamas. haha. The new one is so lame. For me, when I watched the movies and series again I could feel that I have found the real me. ME that I have pushed away because I think that I am too old for that. When I remember how I used to obey my parents and never lie to them, I started to think that, if we keep being like how we behaved during our childhood, we will end up just fine. No heartbreaks, no stress, no promises. But I know it will not happen that way but why trash all the good things if we could save some ? We could just take the parts that we are sincere, lovable and our enthusiasm in everything we do. Don't you remember how Cinderella never give up ? and the friendship of Winnie The Pooh with his friends ? TBH semua cerita ada moralnya kan ? Cuma cara kita memahami itu yang membezakan kita.

I am not ashamed when people said that I am such a kid because I am still obeying my parents and still ask them before I do something, because this is the only time. Why we want to grow up so fast ? The time will come. and when that time come, you will thinking about going back if you don't make a full use of your young-life.

Sudah lah tu membebel yee dinie :D Good day everyone. InsyaaAllah nak ikut mama abah ke Taiping Mall malam ni. Just doing a sneak peek.

Saturday 9 August 2014

A geek

Assalamualaikum and good evening.

We meet again. Have you guys had your lunch yet ? Well you better have one because I've already had mine !! yum huh ? Today I'm not fasting like other 4 days before. Ada lagi 2 hari untuk hbiskan puasa enam :) Cuma harini mama dinie tak larat sikit. Hehehe. To all Muslims, lets us fasting in this month of Syawal. InsyaaAllah jika kita ikhlas, kita akan dapat ganjaran yang lumayan. After this I will help my parents at our family pharmacy - FARMASI KAMUNTING. As you all know I'm 18 and of course I am not a school student anymore but instead I am a college student. yeaa ! haha.

The University of Nottingham Malaysia is where I am studying right now under MARA sponsorship. Alhamdulillah I got my preferred course which is pharmacy. yeep it's in mah blood. Why not Medic ? haha it's a hot question to answer. Even though my SPM results are quite exemplary and I am eligible to apply for the Medic course but still, I DON'T. I am AFRAID. yes that's it. JUST THAT. Being a doctor-to-be is surely not easier that being a doctor itself. It's just the same. The work load- the risk- the time consumption. But yes the pay is worth it. Still, it's not my choice. Have you ever think of the reason why adults ( especially in Malaysia - my aunts and uncles ) always want us to be doctor ? Like there is no other important person for us to be. When I asked my father this question he said- " Memang orang semua pandang tinggi terhadap doktor walaupun apa yang dilakukan hanyalah membalut luka yang kecil, sebab semua yang dilakukan itu amatlah bermakna. Doktor selamatka nyawa orang yang mereka sayang". Yes it is true but if everyone wants to be a doctor and there is no engineer, politician, astronomers, and other important jobs, what would our life be ? I strongly believe that no matter what your dream are, you just need to work it out- not just saying "Alah pass cukuplah. " Because, I can promise you that all the hard work is really worth it. I know cause I have been through some of the feeling ( not ALL yet ).

Since I was in my primary school, I always try to be the best in my academic ( I am bad at sports oh God ). My efforts really pay off though. My UPSR, PMR and SPM results are the proves that keep me believe in
" work hard and smart " moto. But of course all along that way, I lost something that others get. But then again I talk to myself that this world is not mine. I cannot have everything. " We have to choose " That's my other moto. ( hah I've a lot of moto actually ) I still remember back on that days, I studied like it's my only hobby. but I'm not SUPER STRESS though. I LOVE to study and read books ( don't judge me okay I am lame i know ) Belajarlah kerana Allah. Niatlah untuk membantu agamanya. Dinie study so that I can achieved my dream and that dream is not only having a good job, enormous house and money as high as mountain. The dream is also to fulfill our promise to Allah. Kalau kita tak usaha untuk mencari ilmu Dia macamana kita nak kenal Allah. Dan kita tak boleh lupa kepada ibu bapa kita. They want to see us happy, both in this world and also akhirat. and we must not forget untuk berdoa dan bertawakal kepada Allah lepas kita usaha. Allah is always there for us :) Bila kita study dan tidak melupakan Allah, InsyaaAllah kita tak akan jadi stress or even histeria.

See you in my next post lovelies.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Human and mistakes are inseparable

Assalamualaikum and good afternoon to all . Ceehh macam ramai sangat je yang membaca. haha tak apalah.

Like I said this is not the first time I am keeping a blog. This is the second time actually and TBH I am really excited about this. Because dinie nak penuhkan blog ni dengan kata-kata semangat, nasihat ke and pengalaman yang dinie rasa patut di share kan. But it looks quite hard isn't it ? I mean, to post about something that could really help other people. Macam mana sekalipun, I'm gonna try yaah sbb berkata perkara yang baik adalah lebih baik daripada menceritakan hal-hal yang lagha kan ?

I don't know where to start. haha. Let's start with something that is closer to my heart shall we ?
I am a post-school-student * I don't this that's a word * so like other teenagers I also have some sweet, sour and bitter memories* bukan perkataan juga haha *. Even though at school I am one of the top students and a 'book worm' I guess, but still I did A LOT of mistakes that up until now I cannot forgive myself but hey, Allah is always there for me and I know that everything happened for a reason. In life, we cannot avoid doing wrong stuffs because that's what human do right ? We do mistakes. But we must always remember that we can make our choices whether to still doing that mistakes or stop it with our strong will. The most important is kita tak boleh kata " Dah takdir aku macamni ". Well yes Allah has already know our faith but still He wants us to work hard to be the one that we promised Him to be. Remember, when you need someone to talk to, talk to Allah. I am not that kind of 'alim' person but still I am a Muslim and I got to do what Allah has told me to do. Trust me, you will be much better when you tell your misery and stories to Allah instead of telling them to other people because Allah is the one who creates you and He knows the best for you. And yeah it took me like forever to realise this. Teruk kan ? I am trying to be a better person to my religion, family and myself. Hard but it is worth to work for.

If we ever had done something wrong and bad, remember, don't ever lose faith. Berdoalah kepada Allah agar Dia mengampunkan kita dan berdoalah jugak agar Dia membantu kita diberikan hidayah untuk melonjakkan diri kita ke arah yang benar. Well, that's what I do after the wake up call. And sejak dari tu dinie rasa lebih tenang. So, the conclusion is that even if we have done a lot of bad deeds and mistakes all we need to do is STOP IT and pray to Allah, talke to Him, and cry to Him. Let your heart out. He is our creator. He knows even way better that anyone. and the best is He will never let you down.

That's it . See you in next post ;)